
Accountability Allows Flexibility

Accountability permits flexibility


When you have no track record of being accountable — to others or to yourself — you can’t afford flexibility.

You can’t afford flexibility because you have no proof that you will render desired results.

Your flexibility will only aggravate your inability.


When you have proven yourself time and time again to yourself — you understand the extent of your ability: your specific ability and your general ability

You can afford flexibility

Because you know what you are doing

Because when you’ll be taking another route — it will be a choice.

You will have the right to that choice because you’ve been there before. You’ve done it.

If you have no track record of doing it — you can’t “choose” not to do it. Because you have no choice on the matter. As far as I’m concerned — you have fuck all proof you can do it and therefore can’t do it (and therefore your choice is void).


I dislike the rigidity of rules and habits

I abhor the violence of ambition

But I don’t delude myself that unless I have proven myself creating results — I have no right to expect results

I understand when to entertain flexibility and spontaneity — and I understand when to follow the guide precisely


Accountability permits flexibility, spontaneity

Conscious person, intelligent person, is innately disciplined

He doesn’t have to rely on self-coercion — his understanding intrinsically necessitates his actions and decisions

This is why I said spontaneity is consciousness

The one truly conscious is also the one intelligent enough to afford the freedom


But the problem you are facing every day is that of producing results

And then the problem you are facing every day is knowing where to go, knowing what to get… or rather, NOT knowing where to go, NOT knowing what to get…

To produce results you will very simply have to become an accountable person

And to explore and discover and investigate this world — you will have to be a spontaneous, open-minded, flexible person


So be accountable

Exercise enough discipline to explore your potential. That too is exploration!

From this place of self-truth and true confidence — you will be able to seize your freedom

And be flexible