Philosophy Spirituality

The Real, The False, The All-important Purpose

Purpose is not all-important if it’s not a REAL purpose


Is your purpose real?

It likely isn’t


Purpose is supposed to be beyond everything else and requiring sacrifice and maximum dedication and what-not

Or is it?

This kind of IDEA about the purpose already is at odds with what purpose is


Purpose is your truth

It is something you know to be true

Subsequently it is something you know is right for you to do


Self-sacrifice and utter dedication and all the rest of it — all that implies that there is something else but your purpose; something else you must sacrifice and give up and all that drama

Why would there be?

Is there the truth and half truth and one third truth — or is there only truth?

Is there what you know is right, one thing or a couple things, or is there what is half right and one third right and such?

Why this whole ideal of a single all-important thing and everything else being dramatically thrown away and eradicated?

When you know what you want and what is right for you — is it not natural for all the rest to peel away…?


You create when you’re inspired

You recharge when you’re tired

What more is there to it?


“Work all the time” is nonsense because it’s impossible

What is ENOUGH? Working non stop? You can do this. Eat some meth and work until you die

“Work more then you do and despite mild tiredness and reluctance, because you can, and only rest when you have to”

Omg that’s some nonsense!!

Why do you presume there must be reluctance, there must be unwillingness and tiredness — rather then that you’re dedicating yourself to the wrong thing?

Here’s your aforementioned false purpose


If your purpose was real it would be all-important by default

And all-important wouldn’t imply any sacrifice

Because there really wouldn’t be any choice

And if it’s all-important then it’s by DEFINITION more important then the rest of it


But it’s not all-important if it’s a false purpose


But what if you don’t know your purpose?

And what’s with doing something good for yourself and responsible — and growing to like it and identifying with it?

…there’s only the doing what’s right

doing what (TRULY) must be done

if it truly must be done and is truly right — this genuine motivation will alone necessitate your engagement

(picture doing the most menial work for a day — only you’re getting paid million bucks; you would be quite engaged)

and once you’re done with what unavoidably must be done — all the rest of your life is left for doing your deepest calling

and if there’s no calling — do NOTHING my friend

your existential boredom shall show you the way


We glorify this PURPOSE-business because it sounds so good and revere this ideal of self-sacrifice because it’s really just so unattainable

All this is nonsense

There’s no precondition to purpose

There’s no fixed set of actions or attitudes

The only precondition, the only attitude, is that of complete sincerity

Your purpose could be as trivial as surviving

It could be as trivial as thriving

That is really immaterial

What matters is that you are entirely sincere at it

You are not deluding yourself with other people’s ideas, with dreams and hopes and wishes for yourself, with ideals of purpose and importance and all the rest of this man-made mind-made nonsense…

Just completely sincere to what is actually important

Before you