Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

We Are Our Problems

We cause our problems


What is a problem?

“You need this”

“You must that”

“You do this and that”

Still “lack that” and what-else


You don’t really need any of that shit, obviously

Eat something that drops under your nose

Find some hole in the ground or cave

Put some fire

Find a woman or a pet

Do your (simple) fucking duty and go to sleep


We cause our problems

We don’t need any of that shit but we still chase it

We don’t just chase it but we put pressure on ourselves for having it and NOT having it

We want it bigger, better, and sooner

Our sick expectations are deranged and impossible

We sell our souls for our goals, in a true spirit of this childish heroism, so very human


Should you move to the cave?


You probably own too much

(You also own too little – with all your possessions borrowed)

You probably work too much

You probably want too much

No better cure then simplicity


If you don’t plan on moving to some fucking cave, then at least understand that you are your problem,

You mismanage your life

You overestimate how much you’ll make

You underestimate how much time you will take

You overestimate your ability

You underestimate the unknown

And you want too much


We take on those tasks we can’t finish

By giving up we create this habit of failure. It’s terrible. And when you create a habit of failure — you are a failure.

By not giving up we suffer. We abuse our willpowers and our bodies and our souls for the arbitrary scores. It’s a live lived on an imagined score sheet — and thus not lived at all.


Don’t take on tasks you can’t finish. Take on tasks you can finish — then ADD EXTRA.

Start small. Then grow it.

Never talk. Only do. What you said is both your yoke and your limitation. It will cut your wings when you’re flying — but kick you when you’re down.


Think twice — yet still assume you’re an idiot.

Because you will be wrong.

You don’t want your mistakes to overwhelm you.

Prepare for the worst obviously — which is double or triple or quadruple your ignorance.

Think twice or more. You may just stumble upon some ideas which you use in your next project.


See this is how we create our problems,

Instead of assets we accrue liabilities

We give up our time

Give up our cash

in advance!

Then tie ourselves with commitments

Commit ourselves for years to finishing this and that

Commit our earnings for years to paying off this useless house and that useless car

We do this long term and short term

Always find ways to make it hard for ourselves

If you’re not smart enough for problems then get rid of them

Go smoke some weed with some bum

let the bank take your house


I said if you’re not smart enough for problems then get rid of them

Can you be smart about problems?

Do what you can do

Do what doesn’t overwhelm you

Do what you do well

Give it not 100% but 200% your best

But do what you CAN do well

You are told you can do anything but it’s ok if you do fuck all

Your 200% may not be enough for the pipe dream you undertook

Be smart about how smart you are

Don’t get into trouble


One more time:

-don’t do more then you can do

-don’t do what you can’t do

-do much much less then you can do — the rest is extra

-don’t delude yourself with what you can do

if you break any of those rules — you know why you’re so stressed and challenged and ineffective

You can continue on your delusion, you can blame the world for your problems — or realize that you brought every single one of your problems


Because you did

Every fortuity, every “bad luck” that happened to you — only happened because you were not ready for it

You knew your system was fragile.

You didn’t have any free time left should the things delay

You didn’t have the money left when the market miraculously eluded the predictions

And you merely matched the task with your ability to the extent to which it was going smoothly: not when the unpredictable started predictably happening

There is no such thing as bad luck

If you were doing nothing — you wouldn’t have bad luck

NOR good luck

Luck is identical with action

Problems are identical with action


…problems are identical with action.

If you take action — you have problems.

If you don’t want problems — take a break.

If you want less problems — be smart about your actions.

Take responsibility for your problems

Be simple and flexible

Modest about expectations but limitless in possibilities

Safe in precautions but thus disposed to greater risks

Build the strongest foundations KNOWN TO MEN

THEN EXPAND, EXPLODE, from that steady ground

With joy and inspiration and power

Not under the yokel of necessity and hands tied with constraints


Get over this “PROBLEMS” thing

Get rid of all the problems, then get rid of problems in advance

THEN do what you want, THEN expand