
Social Justice on Social Media

social justice on social media has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with social


social justice on social media has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with virtue signalling


social justice on social media has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with virtue signalling — but in this day and age it’s so transparent that it’s actually signalling the opposite

like living in a glass house, exploiting the very opportunities so unjustly taken from the exploited


…like your closet choke-full of rags

new electronics every month

your big car you drive alone to work

your waste of water and electricity

and how you treat your coworkers like enemies

and your subordinates like slaves

and how you treat your neighbour

and your debouched indulgence, and how this indulgence fuels the market for indulgence, and how this market rapes the planet, and those not opportune of the luxury of indulgence and boredom


I want there to be no confusion

some of us hope there are universal ideals or “good ideologies”

what we see now on “social media” with “social justice” proves that the moment morality is separated from an individual, the moment it is scaled — it becomes evil

like the evil of our life choices concealed behind internet posts about justice


don’t be that person

start by rejecting this nonsense and not participating

then get rid of those that do

then go and do something good — when you have your energy and intelligence back