
We Make Wonderful Things in Spite of Being Imperfect

we don’t make wonderful things because we are perfect


we don’t make wonderful things to become perfect


we make wonderful things in spite of being imperfect


when you learn to see — you see how there’s nothing perfect in this world

nothing perfect but the whole

anything less is fragmented therefore imperfect


you see that we are all imperfect

you harbour none of that naive idealism which is an escape of the weak

you see how imperfect we are

but that we’re all doing our best


…and then you do your best

you’re imperfect and that’s ok

you’re imperfect but you can still do your best

and it’s beautiful

and it’s wonderful


and all the wonders in this world were made by imperfect men like you

facing the same problems that you do

however strange they may seem — they share with you human condition

human psychological consistency

human strifes and struggles

human original sin

human innate imperfection


and it is still wonderful

and it is liberating

and you go into the world

and make wonderful things