Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

Subjectivity > Objectivity

We have ideas about how good something is and how attractive and how desirable

This car is more premium then that car

This career is more lucrative then that career

This girl is more attractive then that girl

This lifestyle is more desirable then that lifestyle

This food is more healthy then that food

This athlete is the GOAT and that one is merely the best in the world

Billion dollars is better then million

This one realised his potential and that one didn’t

This artist is the real artist and this guru is a fake guru and this intellectual is a fraud and that writer is criminally underrated


binary-thinking stupid nonsense

ranking-making absolute-thinking retarded fucking nonsense


We all overestimate how much better “better” is

We all spend too much time conceiving rankings and hierarchies and comparisons

We dedicate our lives to bringing a little bit more of that putative “better” into our lives

We hate ourselves because we are not a little bit more like this and don’t have a little bit more of that


SUBJECTIVITY is far more powerful then OBJECTIVE QUALITY

SUBJECTIVE is far more REAL then the OBJECTIVE

We only want objectivity because it lends us objective framework for self-aggrandisement.

“Objective value” and “objective quality” grants ourselves “objective value”

We want ourselves, our egos, to be objectively good

Ultimately, we want ourselves, we want our ego, to be objectively so good as to not die, as to be permanent

Rather then so insignificant so as to dissolve

And yet we still dissolve


Subjectivity is FAR more powerful then “objective quality”

You like pears and she likes apples

You want money and I just want peace

You want pleasure and he wants meaning

You like a big house in hollywood hills and I like a cabin in the forest

You like cats and he likes dogs

You made such and such life choices and had gotten such and such results

She made such and such life choices and had gotten such and such results

You made this investment on that and therefore didn’t make that investment on this

You like to cook your own meal and he likes to go to a 5 star restaurant

You’d rather sit on a bench in the park and she’d rather be on a yacht

You are interested in philosophy and he is interested in spirituality and she is interested in business

He likes ambitious people and you like fun people

She wants to look like Kim and she wants to look like Kate

And he wants her to look like Freddie



fuck objective

fuck your rankings

fuck your dreams

fuck your hopes

get over all of it



this “objective” nonsense is why we’re so insecure, individually and collectively

the entire race and sex and what-not inequality nonsense stems from there — we just don’t understand and don’t respect the intrinsic diversity, and therefore subjectivity

I don’t want to be a woman

She doesn’t want to be a man

He doesn’t want to be white

She doesn’t want a career — she wants a happy family

He’s not interested in higher education

and it’s OK

and the results will OBVIOUSLY VARY



You’re not much worse then she is

You’re not much better then he is

It’s all nonsense

You’re not even much better then you were

Do you know what matters?


How good you make it RIGHT NOW

That is what matters

Get over this concept of better and worse

Believe me it’s far, FAR less objective then you think

And you don’t benefit from harbouring these concepts in your mind

It only weights you down and deludes you

Get over it and live