Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

What YOU Think of YOU

There’s what they think of you and it bothers you and stifles you or compels you


There’s also what YOU think of you and it bothers you and stifles you and compels you


In either case you’re likely not fully aware of that opinion influencing you


With what they think of you you do know it is likely not to your benefit

With what YOU think of you — you may falsely believe it is to your benefit


What is your idea of you?

You know you could benefit you but you are reluctant because of what someone would think of you

You know you could benefit you but you are reluctant because of what you would think of you

Because you have an idea of you which is not congruent with the necessary action

Because you have an idea of you which is not congruent with what you want


And yet you are nothing more then what you do

What you do is what defines you

What you are perceived to be, by you, and by everyone else — is what you DID do

But what you really are is what you do. Now.


What you really are is what you do

Yet you like to pretend that what you think of yourself is what you are

That your idea of you is you

That idea of you which comprises your whims and dreams, and that idea of you which comprises your past actions and perceptions of you

Alas that’s not you

You are what you do


And this is liberating

If you are what you do

Then what you are can’t separate you from doing what you want

Because what you are is inseparable from what you do anyway

And either you do what is right — or not


Indeed the only separation is this whole ideation and idealisation

The residue of the past

Let go of it and nothing can stop you

Let go of it and your idea of you no longer prevents you from doing what is right

Let go of this WHAT YOU THINK OF YOU

Stop thinking of yourself so much

Just think of what’s the next best thing to do, my friend

And then do