Lifestyle World

Shaming Is Not THE Problem

Shaming is not the problem — we are

Discrimination is not the problem — we are


Shaming is not the problem — organisation of society is

Insecurity is

Confusion is

Discrimination is not the problem — good judgement is


We are confused and insecure

We want to organise our lives in the best way

We want to organise our relationships in the best way

We want to organise our societies in the best way

Alas we don’t know how


Alas we don’t know how

Alas there’s so much we don’t know

Alas we fail a lot


We don’t know how to organise society

We don’t know how to organise our relationships

We don’t know how to choose our partnerships

We don’t even know how to deal with ourselves


Obviously it’s true

Romantic relationships: look how many marriages fail

Business relationships: check out the principal agent problem, or just read the history of a few businesses, see how many business relationships have been successful

Social problems? Just look out the window


We are clueless

We treat each other badly

We make do with what we got


Shaming happens because you are confused what you should be like

Shaming happens because you are confused what society should look like

We shame and ostracise as means of shaping the society

We reward and applaud as means of shaping the society

We discriminate because we don’t have complete information in regards to certain individuals and groups — hence we rely on approximation


There’s no evil mastermind “shaming” and “discriminating”

Shaming will always be

Discrimination will always be

That’s because we are confused and we are learning on the go, how to function as a society

And what we learn one moment changes another, just as society ever-changes, ever-moves

And we are united on one level but divided on another

Shaming happens as we seek to organise our society: by condemning what we deem unacceptable

Obviously we condemn what we deem unacceptable — that’s the whole purpose of the society

And discrimination will always be

That’s because our judgement is imperfect

Foremost — information is incomplete

You have to make a choice of who to work with and who to hang out with — and you make it based on the little that you know



It’s not unfair; It’s merely stupid or wrong

It reflects where we stand as a society

And our confusion


So what do we do about it?

The shaming and discrimination is not the problem — confusion is

The more information we share, transparently, and the more intelligent we are about it — the less confusion there is

The more we convey our perspectives and WHO WE ARE — the sooner can there be mutual understanding: of what is acceptable as “individuality”, and what is condemnable as undesirable: to the society, or to it’s individual himself

This process is unfortunately extremely arduous, because we don’t want the truth; We prefer to indulge in ideologies and petty quarrels between them

It’s only when the merit becomes extremely apparent to the vast majority is when a societal change occurs

And we can be more intelligently discriminating

And we can be more intelligently organised


But what’s with being the unfortunate victim of shaming?

What’s with being the unfortunate subject of discrimination?

You will want to lash out against the convention, you will want to lash out against the prejudice

But you shouldn’t

You only make things worse

See, this battle of ideologies and societal conventions — it doesn’t aid clarity, it doesn’t aid the understanding

The only thing which emerges from this conflict is more chaos and confusion

The best you can do is convey yourself, lay bare WHAT YOU ARE — then let it be; Without attacking opposing perspectives or defending your own


If you’re serious — the notion of shaming is laughable to you

You’re too busy with your goals to care about the masses perception of you

You don’t care about the prejudice either — you know your results speak for themselves

Therefore I don’t really believe this is a problem of the poor, “oppressed” individuals

It’s not shaming and discrimination which is their main problem — it’s their attitude to it

And again: you must understand that society functions certain way, which is imperfect

We can make it better only by bringing about more clarity, by eradicating confusion and misinformation and stupidity

You do it by being more transparent and truthful yourself, rather then by engaging in petty squabbles between ideologies and perspectives


How does it look in practice?

You convey 100% what you are

You don’t expect equal treatment because of that; You expect INDIVIDUAL treatment because of that

You don’t hit out on those that treat you less then you expected

You simply don’t engage with them — or make do with their attitudes anyway

And you don’t play the WHAT-OUGHT-TO-BE game — because you understand that you don’t have a fucking clue

You make it work for yourself


And there’s really nothing more to be said about it

Unlike all the nonsense regurgitating in the media about shaming and discrimination — I have much less to say about it

It’s really up to you

It’s really up to you, as usual

Make do with what you have, with what you are

Take care of your life first — then look at “society”