
Blind Lead the Blind

Blind lead the blind

You find it particularly outrageous

“Blind shouldn’t lead the blind”

Sounds dangerous

But it happens


Sighted lead the blind

Is this the alternative?

Is this so great?

Sighted can lead the blind wherever he wants

Sounds dangerous


“But sighted cares for the blind”

Maybe he does

But he can’t give them their sight back, can he?


Blind lead the blind

You think it’s outrageous

You are outraged by the ignorance of some

Ignorance of the politicians

Ignorance of the teachers

Ignorance of the gurus

Ignorance of the CEOs

But what does it help?

You only follow them because you’re blind yourself

You would obviously not follow the blind if you could only see


“But we shouldn’t let that ignorance be”

Blind lead the blind

Their ignorance reflects our own


“Sighted should lead the blind”

But sighted can’t SEE everything FOR you, can he?

You must learn to see yourself


So here’s about the fools who presume to lead the blind hoards

You can “expose” them or not

But really — if you can’t PROVE THEM, with great clarity, to be the CHARLATANS you believe them to be — then what’s the point?

What if THAT’s the place where the hoards want to go?

What if hoards want to be beguiled? What if hoards want to be fooled?

And if you, clever boy, can’t prove the untruth of the “leaders” — neither will fools


And why should they listen to you, white knight whistle-blower?

If they can’t PROVE themselves that their gurus and leaders are blind — what is your advantage?

Just because you dub everyone blind doesn’t mean you are sighted


This is the problem of criticism

It doesn’t provide solutions


And then, you know, if everyone’s blind — whose gonna lead?


The hierarchy is an extremely primordial mechanism, far preceding and presupposing societal constructs

We’re all blind

And we just want to feel a little less blind


So I don’t mind the blind leading the blind

Nor do I appreciate being led, by sighted or blinded

I don’t want to be lead

I want to make my own mistakes

And i don’t want to lead

Because I am not interested in the admiration of the sheep

But i don’t mind the blind leading the blind

Because I can’t help those poor sheep

I can’t prove to them that the sheep or the wolf which is “leading” them is indeed the root of all evil, or something

I make my own mistakes — I am not such an expert on someone else’s shortcomings


Indeed it’s immaterial

You should lead you

And then who cares what wolf or sheep, what sighted satan or blind mortal is leading the poor fools

You go and make your own mistakes

You go your way

And you don’t have the time for outrage either

You have your own problems to solve

You have your own home to bring into order, before you take on the world


Follow no one: They are blind — and even if they can see — they can never lead you to where you must go


You can only help them if you have helped yourself