
Break Your Momentum

whether it’s starting or improving — it’s CHANGE which comprises the difficulty


some fail to start — because there’s never “good enough time”

others fail to improve — because they hope their current practises will eventually render headways

it’s actually the same thing

inability to change


EVER be watchful of the movement of habit

of momentum

how you gradually settle into routines and habits and practises

that settling, that leniency, is the culprit


BREAK IT by doing the opposite

that’s why “JUST DO IT” is a good advice for those who fail to start

that’s why “FUCK IT UP” is a good advice to those with perfectionism and nirvana-bias

that’s why “LET GO” is a great advice for life, in which attachment enslaves us

that’s why “EXPERIMENT” is ever a good advice, as we all eventually settle into ‘what already works’, rather then what COULD WORK


BREAK your momentum