Lifestyle World

He Did Get Lucky

He did get lucky

Otherwise he wouldn’t have made it


Everyone is lucky, by definition

Everyone is lucky, by definition, eventually.

Those that made it were “lucky” — then took advantage of it


Nothing is “earned”

Everything is given

And then it’s either accepted, or refused

That’s all there is to life


You “earning” and “doing” is still within the bounds of fortuitous opportunity

Opportunity to be born

Opportunity to be born in this day and age

Opportunity to be strong and healthy and capable of productive behaviours

Opportunity to engage in those behaviours, and be rewarded for it


You think he “got lucky”

Yes he did. So did you

He did get a little bit more lucky within certain subject

Perhaps you got far more lucky somewhere else

At any rate — you can’t be him — because you’re you. By definition you wouldn’t like to be him — because YOU can only want to be you; The only way to want to be him is to actually be him.

I.e. basically you wouldn’t trade everything you call yourself to be him. That would be tantamount to dying.

You can only compare you to you


And we’re all so lucky, aren’t we?

Every day brings new opportunities, new possibilities, new adventures

How infinite is that?

How absurdly overwhelmingly infinite is the future possibility?

How could anything finite even compare?


Nothing is earned — it’s all given. For free

You are given and you receive, humbly

You then prove yourself worthy of that gift

Prove yourself worthy of this life

Prove yourself worthy of this abundance

Prove yourself worthy of this possibility

By fully embracing it and taking the fullest advantage of it

This is how you “earn it”


Again, he didn’t earn it — it was all given

You ask for details and look for tricks

Stop trying to be him! Stop trying to “get lucky” like he did! You’ve your OWN luck to enjoy, like you’ve your own path to thread

Learn from him what you can, but for your OWN LIFE, for your OWN DESIGN


…And it’s NOT mysterious

The “mysterious” part is the LUCKY part; You can’t replicate that… you can only get lucky in your own, unique way

But it’s not mysterious in how you fully exploit the good fortune, the world’s opportunities…

You make something valuable, something useful, something beautiful, something true

You do your best, to the best of your ability, with all your heart

You explore some place new, some place exciting, some place no one has been to

This is life — the UNRAVELLING of the NEW

And this is life — the motion, the ELEVATION

And it’s as vague as it is specific — every day you either move up, or move down, and every day you either do something new or rot in the past

This is the how

And the rest is up to luck

He got lucky and so will you