Lifestyle World

You, The Horse

The most important bet you’ll ever make is on yourself


You don’t control the stock market

But you do control you


Every day you bet on someone and something

You bet on your boss to provide you with work

You bet on the products you buy to provide you with adequate utility

You bet on brands to deliver quality

You bet on banks to hold your money

You bet on your country to defend your rights, keep your money valuable, maintain a system which benefits you

And you bet on business ventures to create profit

You bet on people to create great things

Or be great friends


But then there’s you

You decide to DO, something

You will now invest your time and energy into that activity

And the central part of that activity is you yourself

You will carry out the deed

You vest your time and energy on yourself, with expectations of it being utilised in the best way


You obviously don’t want your precious resources to be squandered

Therefore you better pick the right horse

Is that horse right?

Are you the right horse?


Have you proven to you that you’re the right horse?

Have you won any races?

Have you carried out your commitments?

Have you taken care of you, your fitness?

Have you prepared duly for the race?

Have you got experience?



And often you’re not

You’re not really the horse you’d bet on

And you know it

You know you’d rather bet on some other horse

You know what a PROMISING HORSE looks like

You know what a fit horse looks like

You know what makes the horse a likely fucking champion


Mind you I never said you must pick the best horse in the world

There are many, many races, going on right now, all over the world

Who cares about the other races — your bet is on THAT HORSE in THAT RACE

You have no money in the “best horse in the world” race

Your money is in the horse and in the race which is about to happen RIGHT NOW

One decision away

The decision to participate

And BET on that horse

or NOT participate and NOT bet on that horse

It’s all about the bet which you’re about to make

It’s all about the BETS you make


Are you picking the right races for your horse?

Or are you just picking any races and rambling about “ambition?

Do you prepare duly for the races — or are you just dabbling?

Do you even race? Do you even bet? Maybe you ceased racing long time ago? Maybe your race is just a horse-walk in the park? And maybe you have no money in it? Nothing to gain there?


You want to pick the right race

If you don’t believe in your horse then you better start small!

You don’t become a better horse by losing! Don’t let anyone tell you that

You want to win a few races to know where you stand

Then you can lose a few races again, so that you learn

Mind you you’ll lose some money too

If you plan on losing races then you better not overextend yourself with your bets!

Bet a lot when you know your horse can win

Don’t squander on your resources on races you can’t win


We place those ridiculous expectations on ourselves

We commit to ventures we have no business dealing with

We make grand promises which we don’t held ourselves accountable for

We dream, fully knowing it is just a dream — no answering for the countless wasted hours, countless wasted days, countless wasted years


and yet there’s nothing mysterious about it

you wouldn’t bet on a horse which has no chances of winning

you would sure bet a ton of money on the horse which is certain to win!

If you knew your horse was going to win the race before-hand — you’d love to have your horse participate in every race you can find for him!


There’s nothing mysterious about it

You would bet on what you know to have high chances of winning

But our rationality ends when WE become the subject of scrutiny

Where ego begins — rationality ends

Where ego begins — our self-perceptions, wishes, hopes, dreams — entirely obscure the vision

Are you the horse to bet on?

Or do you wish to be?


Well it’s time to find out

By once and for all committing to KEEPING YOUR WORD

By holding yourself accountable for your bets and predictions EVER SINCE

By committing to OBJECTIVITY

By eradicating the SELF-DELUSION, once and for all


and then it doesn’t really matter what kind of horse you are

what matters is that you KNOW that horse

You know what that horse is capable of

And when it comes to racing — you’ll know whether to BET on that horse — or not

And when you bet — you are going to BET BIG

And you are going to win big


This is the true meaning of confidence, mind you

It’s obviously not that you can do “anything”

No one can, obviously

Confidence is not you being able to do whatever; It’s you KNOWING what you CAN, in fact, DO.

Confidence is your confidence in your horses performance

Confidence is not that your horse can fly or something


Confidence is your confidence in your horses performance

Certainty is your certainty about your horses potential

And then when you bet — you are going to BET BIG

And you are going to win BIG