
If you have anything to share, share it now

If you have an idea – share it.

If you’re an artist – share it.

If you have much stuff – share it.

If you’re in love – share it.

If you’re tired of it – share it.

And if you’re a just fuckin scum – share it too!


Share yourself.

Men never share. We only show different faces, different patinas, different appearances. We restrain, repress our true thoughts, true feelings. Thus we have a society of appearances and lies… everyone trying to be something, no one being oneself, no one knowing oneself.

Transcend appearances, transcend lies, with sincerity, with simplicity.



I’m a little bit of a thinker. I find myself thinking.

Perhaps you yourself do think, and perhaps, we could understand each other.

Perhaps, I could tell you something today, something you were only gonna learn tomorrow…

Or perhaps, you could tell me something, something that I couldn’t tell before…


Please, be my guest.

I call it Nocturnal Contemplations.

I share it, because there is value in sharing, there is value in giving.

Please, do share, what it is that you have to give.

Share with the world, what it is that you want to give, through this wonderful medium of the Internet.

And if you have anything to share with me, please, feel free to leave a comment, or contact me here.