
Need For Certainty Vs The Appreciation of Accuracy

You see life is unpredictable and you can’t be certain.

You realize 99% of worries never materialize – therefore worrying is a waste of fuckin time and energy. It’s a fact.

You recognize your desire to control things, its futility, and its root – the fear. You realize that you can’t run away from fear, by trying to control things. You know its an endless battle – and unless you are ready for all the good and bad, unless you are ready to die … you shall always fear.

But then, there’s the appreciation of accuracy.

Fear motivates our sloppy efforts to control things, and predominately, to comfort ourselves, to feel as though we are controlling things… for control and the feeling of control are two very different things, obviously. Fear makes the mind dull. Worrying mind is not an accurate mind. Its a timid and wimpy mind. Such mind does not even control its own self, let alone the outside world. Such mind is not accurate.

Appreciation of accuracy and the need for certainty are entirely different things.

Need of certainty is but a need of comfort.

Appreciation of accuracy is a rare attitude. It requires a clear mind, a sharp mind, an unprejudiced mind, a fearless mind. It requires a mind capable of recognizing the absence of certainty. It requires a mind which understands that the decision-making process is a matter of accuracy. And such mind appreciates accuracy, because it is rational. It is not motivated by what is pleasing to imagine, but by what conforms to reality.

In your saecular, earthly endeavors – learn to appreciate the accuracy.

Let go of the need for certainty. There is no certainty. There is only accuracy.