
To Live Today Or To Live Tomorrow

Perhaps it would be nice to lay in the sunshine today, rather then rot in this fucking cubicle?

I want you to see your own choices.

You don’t want to live today but you do want to live one day.

You have ‘things to do’ today, and it’s when they’re done, it’s when they’re done, that you are FREE… free to live.

You don’t want to live today but you want to live one day. Today you want to do things. Today you work on this or that, on something someone told you that you need.

I want you to see your own choices, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.

Perhaps it would be nice to lay in the sunshine today? Relax a little bit?

I want you to examine your own choices and realize each time you are running away from LIVING, LIVING NOW, CHOOSING TO LIVE NOW…

There were many beautiful things you could have done today, you could have spent this day with your loved ones, you could have gone outside, listen to birds and breath the fresh air… you could have done something for yourself, you could have tried new things, learned new things, see new things… life is vast and beautiful but you are turning your back on it, because its easier to BELIEVE then it is to LIVE.

You don’t need a raise. You don’t need a bigger house. You don’t need to be a better person.

But you do need to live.