
Core Confidence Thrives On Self Knowledge

Core confidence, as opposed to situational confidence, does not depend on the external.


Yon may feel confident about your professional skills, or you may be confident about your ability to cook a great dinner. You may feel confident around some people who you know like you. You are confident about something because you learned what to expect.

Above examples pertain to situational confidence. You are confident about something. Something which depends on the external circumstances. You are confident about your professional skills in the professional environment. You are confident around people that like you but not around strangers. Etc….


Core confidence does not depend on the external.

Core confidence is your confidence in the ability to MEET THE NEW.

What is known is FIXED. IT is not new. Situational confidence implies a known situation. Core confidence implies meeting the unknown.


How is one confident about something which is not known?

One puts trust in one’s internal, perennial abilities and features.

It’s the you, which meets the unknown. You are part of the equation which you can know, and put trust in.

Hence, is it self knowledge, on which core confidence is founded.


Confidence is not wishful thinking.

Confidence is not optimism.

Confidence is not hope.

Confidence is not pride.

Stop all the ‘be confident’ nonsense, and learn what you really are… only in self knowledge is the true confidence to be found.