Lifestyle Spirituality

When You Don’t Care About Nothing You Can Care For Every Thing

I don’t give a fuck.

It bothers you. You are very serious because you are so self-important. You like to think you are so big, therefore you make your petty time-wasting look very big.

You have so many problems because they make you feel important.


I don’t much care about anything. What it means, really, is that, I do not get attached to no thing, and I do not take anything too seriously… not more seriously then the hilarious fact that DEATH is coming for all of us, to end our fatuous problems…


In such attitude, curiously, a beautiful insight is concealed.

When you empty your mind from the cancer of self-importance and seriousness, you begin to see beyond your egoistic, little self…

It is then, that you can begin to feel happy for others.

It is then, that you can genuinely be compassionate.

It is then, that you begin to see the DAZZLING BEAUTY of this world, now, that your concentration is no longer focused on you yourself only…

In carefreeness true care is born.

And in true selflessness, TRUE LOVE is born.