Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

To Get Things Effortlessly, Without Wanting Them First, It Only Takes Openness Of The Mind, The Readiness To Receive Something Different

To Get Things Effortlessly, Without Wanting Them First, It Only Takes Openness Of The Mind, The Readiness To Receive Something Different

Such an empty perfect mind does not “want” to be something, but it is anything

The love, the virtue, the truth, the understanding
All can only come into being when there is space for them, when there is purity, when there is readiness to receive
You can’t pursuit those ideals you can’t “want them”
But you can be empty, to receive them



Wanting implies a preconception.

Preconception is not the thing. It’s an idea, recorded in the memory.

The love, the virtue, the truth, the understanding… are not the word.

LIFE is not the word which represents it.

Life is not your memories.

Your wishes and desires are only a product of your memories. You think them, and every thought of yours is a product of your memory.


Life happens without your permission.

You ‘wanting things’ it’s just you attempting to recreate the dead words in your memory.

You create the whole strife, the whole effort, to conform the reality with your ideals, with your mental models, with words.

you can’t!



In fact, life truly happens on its own accord… and the only person preventing you from experiencing LIFE is you yourself. You, and your bungle of ideals and preconceptions and conclusions…

In fact, life happens effortlessly… things happen effortlessly…. it only takes openness of the mind, the readiness to receive something different.

It’s not a question of wanting. In fact, wanting only creates the strife.

In the state of the mind-openness, there is only the spontaneous response…

Through the windows which are open, fresh air flows.

It’s the mind uncontaminated with preconceptions, with ambitions and desires, which is EFFORTLESS… and capable of RECEIVING.


perhaps you sought a greater ‘truth’ then the endless pile of accumulative knowledge about the world, something simple and transcendent..?

Perhaps it cannot be sought after? Perhaps it only comes when the mind is quiet, when the mind is calm, when the mind is open and responsive, not acquisitive…?