
Patterns Of Happiness Are Not Happiness

Patterns Of Happiness Are Not Happiness


I noticed patterns in

what makes me TICK

what makes me SMILE



We all have those things.

Things that we like.

Things that make us happy.

Or at least, we think we have “things”.

In reality, however, it’s not the THING that makes us happy… its not the THING that tickles our fancy… its the LIFE ITSELF.

Something made you smile, and you now think it is the answer to all your problems… you think if it made you smile once – it will continue making you smile. Forever.


Nothing is permanent.

You are going to DIE.

But before you do, you are first gonna learn, again and again, that what made you smile yesterday does not make you smile today.

You are disappointed.

You think,

perhaps it was not THAT THING… perhaps something ELSE!”

you are wrong.

It’s not the thing.

It’s not the activity. Not a single one, not a concrete one.

It is always something NEW.


YES there is a pattern.

(Pattern of “what makes you happy”)

We’re all human. There’s always a pattern. We’re all alive. There’s always a pattern.

I study this pattern. I like to study things. I encourage you to discover the enjoyment of studying yourself.

It’s a trap, however, the whole pursuit of happiness.

You can’t pursuit happiness. Happiness just is, always in a new form, hence you can’t capture it, you can only discover it ANEW, from moment to moment…

Capturing implies permanency. Capturing implies a THING. Happiness is not a thing. Not a car, not a lover, not a house, not a job, not some pleasure.


The patterns are interesting. The workings of the world, the workings of the mind, all that is very interesting.

Do not cling to them, however. Do not hope you can discover a FORMULA for PERMANENT HAPPINESS.

You can’t.

You can only keep rediscovering it.


Stop seeking. Stop trying to achieve a certain state.

Study yourself to learn what’s best for you.

Do what you think is best for you.

THEN… enjoy it. Enjoy it fully, with an impeccable attention, with utter, all-encompassing PRESENCE.