Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Inspiration Comes When There Is No Coercion, No Effort

Effort implies a preconception.

We make an effort in order to get into a certain state, in order to get something.

That thing that we want, it is conceived by our own mind, it is a result of a though, an idea.

What mind can only ever generate is but some fancy permutation of what it already knows. Mind is like a computer – it really only is a computer. It stores information and it makes operations over it.

Effort is merely our mind producing more of the old.


Inspiration, on the other hand, inspiration is from the outside.

What is inside – it is the old. What we call ourselves, our minds, it is all just a bundle of memories, rationalized into the shape of the self.

What it outside, however – it is the NEW.

Effort prevents a true immersion into the NEW, for effortful actions can only ever be the mind PERPETUATING itself, in one way or another.

A bowl is most useful when it is empty.



The workings of the mind truly are some most strangest.

I do not know if you ever wanted something very very badly and yet somehow, by the way of some most strangest reason, you always seemed to have found a way NOT to succeed.

I do not know if you observed how certain aspects of your life seem to be always going in loops – same story repeating over and over and over again.

Perhaps, freedom is not to be attained by struggling and striving.

Perhaps, freedom comes when there is peace, when there is space.

Surely, all our striving and struggling revolves over A THING, some thing that we desire, or some thing that we are running away from.

Surely, there is no freedom, when there’s A THING around which all our actions invariably revolve.


Let go of effort to break the loop.

Inspiration shall kick in in it’s place.

From inspiration springs effortless, creative action.

This creativity is abundant and all-encompassing.

Most curiously, it may just bring your hearts desire to life.

But at the point of such creativity, hearts desires cease to be desires, and become inspiration instead.

Motive of your action is no longer PAST. It is the NOW.