
You Can’t Always Get What You Want But You Can Usually Get Rid Of What You Don’t Want

you want a nice house and a sexy wife and a good job and also a fucking lamborgini and a yacht too and chiuauha dog


you can’t always get what you want.

Promising everything is so stupid. It’s your mind that craves all those things and it thinks quicker then it is able to digest. Lifetime is too short to enjoy 1% of life, not to mention “everything”. Large promises don’t make you larger.


It’s a curious paradigm, this “everything”.

The mind that created all those things that it needs and wants, it clearly is capable of creating yet more, isn’t it?

If it was dissatisfied in the first place and created those wishes and desires – it will certainly create more, will it not?


You can’t get what you want because it’s an additive process — and it perpetuates to infinity. It’s like capturing an ocean within a bottle. You life is a bottle, and the wholeness of life is the ocean.


You can, however, get rid of what you don’t want.

There’s this beautiful emptiness with which we are welcomed to this world, and this immense, perfect emptiness, it is spoiled by the products of our minds, of our society, of our leaders and priests and masters.


There is no freedom in an endless accumulative process but there is the ultimate freedom in the emptiness. Embracing the emptiness is the ultimate liberation — for then, there is all the possibility, but no condition. There is freedom in emptiness, freedom from everything which prevents you from actually LIVING, APPRECIATING this life, and there is freedom, to it’s many, to it’s abundant resources and inspirations.



There is a lot more then you think that you can get but this is utterly irrelevant.

The real direction is reductive, it’s a return to the core itself, for in it there is freedom, and in freedom there is life itself.