
Accepting Control Is Far Easier Then Claiming Freedom


There’s inherent comfort in submission.

There is no responsibility when there is no control.

Responsibility is an opportunity, but it is also a burden.


Decision-making is arduous.

Decision-making is infinitely complex.

Decision-making is consequential.

Decision-making is oftentimes uncomfortable.

Decision-making might be terrifying.


Accepting control is far easier then claiming freedom.

Accepting control is far easier then taking responsibility.

It is easier for the meek people.

It is easier for the self-important people.

It is easier for the earthbound people.


EGO drags us to the ground.

It makes us ambitious and motivates us, but it also weights us down, it fills our hearts with trepidation, it makes us fretful and vulnerable.

Such a mind is not free – how could it claim freedom?

It is easier for the self-important person to shuffle off responsibility. Responsibility is a liability. And ego is always terrified. It finds ways to look strong, but strength itself is a vulnerability.


It is easier for a docile person, for a meek person, to accept control.

Is one not meek BECAUSE one chose indulging in comfort over taking his own way?

And such is this society, obviously, such is our culture. We are schooled, literally, to follow a certain path, which is not ours. The lofty notion of freedom itself — it is but a subject of superficial pride and a social and political ideal — then it is a way of life. We are reminded of freedom, as of something precious, all the time, just to DULL the pain of giving so much of it away.


We accept control because we desperately crave comfort.

We control others because we desperately crave comfort.

The comfort of being controlled relieves us from the burden of responsibility.

The comfort of controlling others brings us the illusion of having control.


We crave control, in one way or another, and this craving alone takes away freedom.

You can’t depend on anything to be free.

Accepting control is far easier then claiming freedom.

Claiming freedom is when you, for once, face what you want, what you do, what you ARE.

No evading the fact, no hiding behind excuses. No subduing to someone else’s authority.

There are easier ways but the choice is yours. And you always have the freedom to make a choice.