Lifestyle Spirituality

Let Go Of Past Happiness Let Go Of Past Unhappiness From Moment To Moment

You REALLY have to let go of the past.



All psychological pain is past—related. You experience pain because something happened. It happened and right here right now it can no longer affect you, but you store it in your memory, at the “PAST”, and you keep looping it, replying it, feeding it, and creating more pain.


Nothing is ever happening outside of now. All your thoughts about past and future are happening now as well.

You let go of unhappiness because there is no fucking point perpetuating it NOW.

You must let go of happiness too.


Your past happiness is a memory.

Lingering in the past prevents you from fully accessing the now.

This same happiness that you once experienced is now twisting your experience of this moment.

This same past—happiness now serves as an IDEAL — as a model, which you can identify, point at and name: “THIS IS HAPPINESS”.

WHAT is happiness? Is it a state of affairs? Is it a sensation?

Is is a fucking accomplishment? A BENCHMARK? A condition?

Obviously not.

The moment you try to define it you immediately mar it. Happiness is like life itself — ever changing, ever moving, ever flowing. You can’t capture it in any stupid definition.


Please, see for yourself.

Observe how after some pleasure, you crave it’s continuation, and when you fail to perpetuate it, you become upset, you become fretful.

Observe how you expect to have a “great time”, and when you fail to feel certain way, you get upset.

Observe how there is always something, some little thing, which is not perfect, which is separating you from your completeness, and yet, you can never fill that gap.

Observe how something made you happy once but you never succeed in repeating that feeling, you never manage to recreate it.

Eventually, you do realize that EVERY MOMENT is different, and happiness has no stupid condition, and if there is anything preventing you from REJOICING with the moment, preventing your from truly feeling HAPPY, it is you yourself.


Let go of past happiness and past unhappiness every moment.

On the macro scale and on the micro scale!!!

FORGET the events of yesterday. FORGET the best day of your life. It’s gone — it’s dead. You have no more business with it then you have with the life’s of others.

FORGET how things felt. FORGET what you expect. FULLY ACCEPT the moment in however boring and drab it is, or how vivid, joyful and exciting it is.


It’s easier understood then done.

STUDY your own discontentment. Study your discontentment with the past. With the past year, with the past 10 years, and with the past day, past MOMENT.

Study your discontentment because when you see it, you know it IS. THEN, you can free yourself from it. THEN, you can remind yourself, that NOW is not the past 10 years, and NOW is not the past 10 minutes!

See your expectations and consciously let go of them.

See your boredom and consciously accept it.

See yourself doing something which inspires you and REALIZE joy is simple and natural.

See the lingering feeling of dissatisfaction and LET IT PASS. Don’t fix it! Let it pass, as you focus on the NOW.

You can’t heal dissatisfaction by trying to satisfy it. In satisfaction, DISSATISFACTION is concealed.

You can only find satisfaction, happiness, peace, when there is no dissatisfaction, suffering, strife. And one is only free from them if one is free from the past… and freedom of the past is not a state, it’s an EVERYDAY’s practice.