Philosophy Spirituality

Your Suffering Is The World’s Suffering

There is no-self.

No self – in the sense of separation from the wholeness.

There is only part of the self.

I.e. there is no you, but you are but a PART of the REAL SELF – the ENTIRETY OF LIFE.


As a part of something larger, you are that thing. You are that thing as much as that thing is itself.

As a consequence, you are responsible for it, as much as it is responsible for itself.

Hence, NO-SELF does not imply absence of life, or the WHOLE SELF…

No-self is not nihilistic at all.

No-self, really, only implies the LARGER self.

And since you are part of that larger-self, since you ARE that larger self – THAT IS THE MEANING, and THAT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY.

Not egoic responsibility. Not responsibility in which your illusionary self can grow, grow as virtuous or saintly or whatever stupid nonsense.

Just the responsibility of each element of the whole for the actuality of that whole.

Hence, not only is there no separating of the egoic-self from the true-self, but there is no separating of the true-self, of the WHOLE, from it’s part.

You, with your life, are, essentially, THE WORLD.

Your suffering is the world’s suffering.

To solve one’s problems is to solve world’s problems.

To develop consciousness is to make the world conscious.

Your are the world.