Philosophy Spirituality

Art is Spiritual


Art is spiritual

Art is “high vibration”

Art is lofty but unpretentious

Art is creative and creative is life

Art is beautiful and art is meaningful


Art is beautiful

Beauty is spiritual

Beauty is the mark of goodness

Beauty is the mark of harmony

Beauty is of the mark of peace

Beauty is the mark of delight


Art is meaningful (at the very least)

Art is a statement

Art is a different angle

You don’t have to love the “modern art”, which can be ugly

But it’s somewhat meaningful

Discard it if it’s not meaningful enough

But we, human being, do pursuit meaning

Art is meaningful


Art is spiritual, beautiful, meaningful

Beauty is meaningful

Beauty is the mark of a meaningful life

Beauty is the mark of goodness

Art is spiritual, beautiful, meaningful


You want to make your life beautiful

You want to imbue your life with beauty

You want to be inspired by the beauty

And art is all that, and more


I believe that art is a meaningful pursuit

Art — as unravelling the beauty, exploring the beauty

Art — as examining meaning, discovering meaning

I believe that art is a meaningful, beautiful pursuit

Art — as a consumer of art — and art — as a maker of art


Not all art is the same

Not everyone has taste

Not everyone is sensitive

Not everyone is capable

Not everyone is creative

I wish we were all more appreciative

But don’t be a “critique”

There is only one criteria that artist must be held accountable to — sincerity

If he’s not then he’s no artist

But it’s not to you to criticise him anyway. There’s no time for criticism. Make your own stuff (make your own life).


Not everyone is sincere therefore not everyone is an artist, though I wish we all were

Of those that are real artists not all have taste either

Not all have skill either

It is all forgiven if they are only sincere

Not all of us have taste and not all of us have skill

But to explore beauty and meaning and creation — that is godly, that is spiritual, that is laudable

The world is better when it is more beautiful

The world is better when we CREATE more, more value, more beauty

The world is better when we engage ourselves in beauty and creativity — rather then politics and ideologies and rights and wrongs


I think you should do art

You don’t need the skill

I’d rather you have taste, but it’s not about what I want. If you’re tasteless — still do art. It’s about you.

You must be sincere however

I think you should do art

Think of something you want to see, think of something you want to hear, think of something you want to create

Make some art

Make some beautiful things or ugly things

Make some meaningful things

Make some creative things and strange things

Make some art

Art is spiritual


And I think you should savour art

I think you should find an artist you love,

Buy his prints,

Play his album,

Open a great bottle of scotch whiskey

And celebrate


Celebration is spiritual

Creativity is spiritual

Art is spiritual