Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Consciousness Is The Real Discipline

Ambitious that we are, men, we find all ways to ABUSE ourselves, all in order to get bigger, more powerful, more something. Call it discipline.


Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance (or to achieve accord) with a system of governance. (Wikipedia)


Sounds exactly like something you would have employed to yourself, and everyone else around you.

To be regulated”

I wonder when has this became an ideal.

We talk of self-discipline, which really is just means of regulating our own selves.

Self discipline is only molding yourself, constraining to whatever image, whatever model, that we had received from this society, and accepted as “ours”.

The self could be anything had it accepted it is nothing… but we’d rather be “something”, we’d rather shut ourselves, with rules, regulations, systems, and all the rest of this nonsense.

Hence we create all this discipline, all this control in our life, just to bring a little bit of order into this confusing life, this confusing world, this confusing existence. We create all this discipline just to add a little substance into this empty self, this empty collection of words, images and credentials.


Is there not a way to go without this forcefulness, without such coercion, such violence?

Can one not go through life without the discipline, psychologically?

Does there always have to be this restless watcher of our rights and wrongs, of our dos and don’ts?

Does there always have to be the strife, this conflict, between one choice and another, between one way and another?

So much energy lost in this whole futile process of discipline…

Can there not just be a choice, an instant choice, without the entire weight of decision-making, without so much will-power exerting, exhausting?


When there is understanding, there really is no choice.

When there is no choice – there need not be no discipline.


Truly, consciousness is the real discipline.

Discipline which does not sway with all the turmoil of earthly confusion, torn between desires and ideals and whims and doubts.

When there is understanding — all is clear. The choice is obvious — hence there is no choice.

Your earthbound discipline only serves to FORCE your way out of this chaos of opposing desires and confusion.


Do not cultivate discipline. In it, you are perpetrating it’s cause – your very own lack of understanding, lack of higher consciousness.

You truly, literally, do not need discipline.

But you DO need to KNOW yourself.