Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

The Meaning Of Life

We all desperately want to believe there is more to this life then our everyday struggles.

We all cherish our little inner voice, our little narrative, for it makes us feel significant, it literally makes “US” real, this entire process of the self.

And yet, what is this voice? How real is that noise of our minds? We go through life accumulating all this memory, all this knowledge, creating all these labels, and eventually, conceiving the very MEANING out of it, creating AN END for ourselves, an END to move towards to, and END to build our IDENTITY around, the entire “becoming” – this process of becoming, which almost makes us real.

How real can this conception of a mind be? Mind, mind which is nothing but WORDS, and how real are words? Clearly, words are not the THINGS, are they? Words are merely symbols. And you use these symbols to create a symbolic MEANING for your life.

How real is such meaning? How meaningful?

How real can an artificial creation be? There is the entire miracle of life, occurring right here right now, and it is not of the mind, it is far beyond the mind, mind which is only a collection of words, symbols, approximation, just a rudimentary interpretation of what this world really is.


The entire meaning of life is to be discovered in whatever thing you happen to be doing RIGHT NOW.

The entire meaning of life is to be discovered in whatever petty thing you happen to be doing RIGHT NOW.

The entire secret of life is that it is happening right now, and nowhere else.

The entire meaning there is to this life is the meaning of the very thing you happen to be doing right now.

There is nothing more to it.

I stress the word “petty”, for the mind is so serious, the mind is so proud, the mind is so ambitious, and yet the mind is nothing but a bundle of illusions, and all your self-importance is rendered so hilariously insubstantial in the perspective of this entire universe, that it begs to call this life petty, and INDEED, PETTY IT IS. Right now, you are not conquering this (petty) world, right now you are not doing anything IMPORTANT, right now you are alive and next day you are DEAD.


it is to be discovered in waking up in the morning, day by day

it is to be discovered in every breath you’re drawing, every meal you’re enjoying

it is to be discovered in your boring, or less boring, job, your boring, or less boring, relationship, in your boring, or less boring, place to live

it is to be discovered in the very EVERYDAYNESS of this life, which is the ONLY LIFE there really is

but perhaps,

perhaps you will be able to see at last the VERY MIRACLE OF LIFE, the very moment you are able to see beyond your bundle of illusions,

perhaps you will now be able to appreciate the tremendous vastness of every moment, every breath, every sunrise and every sunset, for the rest of your life,

this, my friend, is the REAL meaning of life.