
Ambition To Not Be

There’s ambition to be

You want to be something you want to do something you want to get something

There’s ambition, which is you harbouring an idea that there are means of extending yourself, means of completing yourself, means of increasing your value – in this perpetual state of dissatisfaction, incompleteness and insecurity


Perhaps you recognize the futility of such pursuits

Perhaps you first disidentify with your arbitrary life situation, with your lowly or less-lowly life position

Perhaps you mature to understand the responsibility due but without savoring pride at your accomplishments

Or perhaps you came so far to disidentify with your own very actions, your personal pursuits which are nothing but a fraction of the large impersonal pursuits of this world


Perhaps you no longer seek to become something

Perhaps you wouldn’t call yourself ambitious

Perhaps there is not a grandiose vision of yourself, someplace sometime in the future

But are you truly free from the tyranny of BEING SOMETHING?

Are you both free from ambition to be something, and free from ambition to NOT BE something…?


You may not want to be a winner but you do not want to be a loser

You may not want to be a success but you do not want to be a failure

You may not call yourself ambitious but you are. Your ambition is NOT BEING LESS. You are not only not free from ambition – you are smug and self-important

Not until have you reconciled with accounting to NOTHING – are you free from ambition

…and there is no peace when there is ambition. Ambition is turmoil. Not until you obliterated all of ambition – will there be cessation of conflict.



You must come to accept being nothing

You must truly come to accept accounting to nothing

You must reconcile with being a “loser”

You must reconcile with leaving no mark in this world

You must reconcile with leaving no legacy

You must reconcile with being broke

You must reconcile with achieving nothing

You must reconcile with being utterly alone

You must reconcile

Because that is what you are



It’s immaterial what your outside situation is

You still account to nothing

It’s immaterial what your outside situation is

Unless you are free from it, unattached – you will not know peace

It’s immaterial what your outside situation is

You must let go of all ambition, ambition to be, ambition to not be – you must be free from all this poison, if you want to know peace, if you want to know freedom