
If You Are Dumb – Live A Simple Life

If you are dumb – live a simple life.

If you can’t afford the problems related to your glorious goals – drop it.

If you can’t afford a nice house – live in a room.

If you can’t afford a nice car – ride a bike.

If you can’t make impact on this world – don’t try.

If someone tells you to “think big” – don’t think big.


Don’t even fucking listen to what everyone is saying, to what everyone is expecting from you.

The world is ambitious, ambition is insecurity, the world is insecure, and it’s individuals are insecure, and ambitious.

Ambition will destroy you. There is no becoming and no achievement will ever satisfy it, because insecurity goes deep and can not be cured externally — if you believe that you can become more – you will always be caught in becoming, never in being, never to know peace, never to know satisfaction.

Don’t even fucking listen to one word that is uttered in this turmoil-ridden world.


If you are dumb – live a simple life.

Learn to live like god’s creature — this will be enough.

Learn to live like a god’s creature and not a fucking slave, not a fucking robot, not a mad fucking dog, always chasing, always working, always acquiring, never satisfied.


If you are smart – STILL live a simple life.

For whatever your talents bring you – live simply.

For whatever you are doing – make it expressive, make it genuine, make it simple and spontaneous.

Never fucking ever invite unnecessary problems to your life,

never let anyone tell you that the struggle is necessary for you to reach your potential,

there is ACTION WITHOUT STRUGGLE, and the “glorious struggle” of this ambitious world is merely the movement of the EGO, ego which identifies with effort, ego which identifies with hardship, finding it the only way of sustaining it’s false superiority and sense of identity.


Live a simple life,


get whatever it is that you get,

don’t be greedy,

accept what is given and ask not for more,

live now and simply