
Your Attention Is Very Limited – VALUE Your Attention

Our attention is limited.


Our attention is limited. We only have so much attention. You can spend your money and get more money but when your attention has gone somewhere – it is gone.

You only can have so much attention and you put it into something and you are never getting it back. And it’s normal.


Right now, in this very very moment, moment in time – perhaps your attention is exactly on this sentence — or perhaps it’s scattered between your next plan, the music in your earbuds, the notifications in your smartphone, and whatever else;

and right now, in this very very moment, moment in your life — perhaps your attention is directed exactly on your mission, on the work you are conducting… — or perhaps it’s scattered between the many things you are trying to get hold of, you are trying to control, you are taking such great care of.

You can only have as much attention for your current preoccupation as you put into it. And not into something else.


Our basic desire is to control things, all things. In this control we find comfort of security and intoxication of power.

It is further aggravated by this society, which idealises CAREFULNESS, SERIOUSNESS, METICULOUSNESS — all the many “virtues” which add to our false sense of control, false sense of self-importance.

Can you care about ALL the things?

How many things can you take care of?

How much control can you hold over (your) life?

How much attention can you put to ALL things?


The quality of sharp, penetrating focus, the quality of watchful, undivided attention — those are the real ideals.

Your attention is limited. You can’t put it to all things.

You attention is limited. You shouldn’t put it to all things.

Your attention is limited. You ought to put it ONLY to the VERY FEW THINGS.

We live intoxicated with our false sense of control and importance, PLANNING things out, ANALYSING, OVERTHINKING, COMPLICATING… none of this nonsense matters.

It does not matter if everything goes “right”.

It does not matter if everything goes according to plan.



You ought to only bother with very few things.

You ought to bother with them but not because of their advantageousness — for then you are merely a slave to ambition.

You ought to bother with only few things out of your genuine, spontaneous INTEREST.

This curiosity, this natural drive – is what propels immersion…from which ACTION springs out.

Let this spontaneous action flourish — it is the only “meaning” of this life.

Do not bother with anything else. It shall all fall in it’s place – whether you care or not.