Philosophy World

The World’s Incomprehensibility and The Tragedy of Naivety


We can’t explain the world

Alas we really wish to


We can’t explain the world

But we want to retain hope


We can’t explain the world

But we are vain and arrogant creatures


There are many motivations to explain the world

But it doesn’t make it much more explainable

Yes many things are explainable

Many things are feasible

We put a man on the moon or something

We’re pretty good at science, true

But many things appear explainable but aren’t

And the explanations themselves are AS LOGICAL as their maker

Only it doesn’t mean they are true


Indeed outside of science — it’s pretty much impossible to prove ANYTHING

And yet we have to go into the world and still make things work for ourselves

And we do

Some of us with more energy some with less

Some with more intelligence some with less

Some with more positive attitudes some with more pessimistic

And some of us make it work more advantageously and some not so much

And all throughout this process and afterwards — we talk and babble and prattle and think we are so clever


The “successful” explain their success but how often can they really explain it?

Can you explain this success that happened to you that it was sunny yesterday?

The unsuccessful explain their failure but their explanations are not so brilliant either

Does it mean we can’t draw any conclusions?

Absolutely not

But it means that we our way too lenient with what we consider an explanation

We look if it’s logical and plausible

We pretend we look for creditability — such as if that person has that what he speaks about getting — though we never enquired what this CREDITABILITY really should mean

We can draw some conclusions but of all the conclusions we draw maybe 1% is sound


…and the remaining 99% is what we feed our EPISTEMIC ARROGANCE with

is what we beguile ourselves with

and what we sell to others


…and this is not even always so terrible!

Just because we DON’T precisely know the way doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try it

In fact we NEVER know the way precisely

We do it anyway

We go


The problem is when we MISMANAGE our expectations

When we deceive ourselves

When we deceive others

And when instead of going in the uncertain but plausible direction — we go in the very wrong direction — that someone sold us or picked for us

This is the tragedy of naivety


This is the tragedy of naivety

Therefore please be simple

Get ideas about success and what-not out of your head

Keep your information about it limited

Focus on being INTELLIGENT instead

On being genuine instead

On being very very conscious instead

CONSCIOUS of every action you engage in and apparent results you’re getting

How can you narrow down the cause and effect?

How can you get a BETTER sense of direction?

Focus on that


And please understand

There is only so much we can perfectly explain

Most our explanations are nonsense

Most my explanations are nonsense

Be certain about the choices you’re making and values you adhere to

But never delude yourself with illusions of certainty about this infinitely complex world



What about learning from others?

It’s super simple

You learn from others

Others do something — TRY IT

Others say something — think about it. Look for proof

Others do something — consider how sensible it is, consider the authority — then try it as many times as you deem optimal

Others say something — try disproving it. Try proving it. Look for logical errors. Look for empirical data. Look for everything. Make data if you can’t find data. Stay BOTH open minded and sceptical

Most “sceptics” are just cynics and haters. Which only makes it harder for the optimist to be rational — as their own healthy scepticism risks being dubbed “negative” and “thinking small”

Which again makes most optimists delusional — as they sustain their optimism by deluding themselves and cheering themselves — rather then by assuming the best and proving it with actions

Learn from others

Get inspired by others

Be optimistic about the possibilities

Be sceptical about the explanations

Do all that

But the real work is you TESTING ALL THAT IN THE REAL WORLD

You testing it — and should it NOT render promised results — you are completely free to discard it

The real work is you TESTING it and IMPLEMENTING IT and TRYING THINGS

And it will take time

But that doesn’t really matter how long it takes

Just because you wish to “make it” sooner doesn’t mean it will happen sooner

That’s the kind of delusional hope I’m talking about

From now on your god is OBJECTIVITY

Not what someone promised you or what you hoped was going to happen — but the very concrete fucking problem before your eyes — and how you DEAL with it

Go ahead, do your duty, and don’t much talk about it. Things will fall into place