Lifestyle Philosophy

Unrealistic Expectations Are Evil

Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign

Unrealistic expectations are evil


Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign

They cause you to engage in unpromising, suboptimal, unrealistic pursuits

Therefore they cause you to fail


Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign

It’s only fun to dream your amazing future

It’s no fun learning every day that you made less then 0.01% progress towards your goals

Unrealistic expectations are no fun


Unrealistic expectations are not innocent and benign

Unrealistic expectations are evil

That is because your engagement in fantasies precedes further delusions

If your overarching mission is founded on delusion — what do you think will tie you to the truth and reality of things in your subsidiary pursuits?

Build on a lie and you end with nothing but lies


ZZ…and we’ve seen it haven’t we?

How one innocent fantasy can consume poor fools and ultimately twist their entire lives


Get over those idealisations

There’s nothing ideal about idealisations

Let go of it

Commit to objectivity


Commit to objectivity

And fall in love with reality


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