
You Couldn’t Have Done More

I could have done more”

Could you really?

If it truly is so, then please answer me one question:



Oh yes. You just didn’t.

You say:

I could have done more but I DIDN’T.”

You say you will have done more the next time.

Now there is the past, the present and the future. The past in which you have failed, the present in which you are a failure, and the future in which you will deliver yourself.

You will not deliver yourself now. You will not redeem yourself now. You are a failure now, remember? “You could have done more”. You have failed, which is why you are a failure.



you couldn’t have done more.

You can do more.

IF you can.

You can do more if you CAN do more.

It is that simple.

There is nothing else.


Can you do more?

It depends.

When you didn’t do something before – WHY DIDN’T YOU?

Do you know why?

Or do you think you know why?

Do you think you could have done more if you tried harder, or if you did this or that…is it the reality?

Do you really know why you didn’t do something?

Do you know how to solve this problem?

Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?


I don’t want to hear you could have done more.

I don’t want to hear you blame yourself, like a little bitch.

I don’t want to hear any BULLSHIT EXPLANATION of why you didn’t do something.

I just want you to stop lying to yourself.

You didn’t do something because you didn’t. Whatever stupid explanation you have for it is probably just a bunch of nonsense. Typical noise the mind produces to quell cognitive dissonances and act like it has a clue.

You didn’t do it!

Thats all you need to know.

Now, go ahead and change something.

ACTUALLY change something.

Find a different way.

Find an easy way.

(Unless it’s easy – you are probably doing it wrong (deceiving yourself).)

Either way – go and do something different.

Whatever you do do — at least you did it. You are not perpetuating the same endless condition of “could have”, concealed by a bunch of nonsense explanations as to what went wrong.

The moment you are true to yourself – and only then – is the moment change will take place.