Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality


What is the want?

You want thing. It quite gives meaning to your life. You have an idea that this will make your life better. Then the movement of time makes sense. You are moving somewhere. And that somewhere is “better”.

How do you conceive of better and worse?

You have your memory. Thus the want is always and only ever based on the memory. Because it is only then that you can conceive of it’s value. Only in the context of the past, in comparison.


Perhaps you are familiar with desire. How bad it is and what not. You want something very badly but this wanting only brings you suffering.

Why does it bring you suffering? Is it because you’re not getting that thing?

It brings you suffering because you’re not getting it and because you ARE getting it.

That is because your desire is an illusion. You don’t want any of those things. You want the idea of those things.

Why would this mind harbour ideas so dearly?

Because mind IS ideas.

Mind is not your happiness. it can be an idea of your happiness – but not your happiness. And then – the idea of your happiness is not happiness either.

Mind is memory. Ideas are a permutation of memory (like thoughts). Happiness, or any other state – is here now, happens now. And the mind can only conceive of what-has-been. Even if it has been only minute ago – it already belongs to the past. And the mind is built on far further-reaching memory then 1 minute ago. It is based on your entire life, on all the nonsense that’s been put in your head. And all the pain and elusive pleasures.


What is choice? Is choice different to want? If you “want something”, you choose that thing, yes?


Wanting is based on memory. It is an idea. You have an idea that you want a car. You keep this idea.

Now perhaps you get a car. Perhaps not.

It is easy to buy a car and your consumeristic conditioning makes it easy for you to make that choice… when you have the dollar.

Now you no longer want a car. You don’t want to lose it. Not that you think about it. You used to think a lot about your new car but you think only a little about not losing it. It got boring pretty quickly – all this nice car driving.

It is easy enough to get a car but it is not easy to be happy. To decide where you want to be in your life. What you want to do.

You have an idea of what you want to be. How to be something is not as trivial as buying a car. You don’t even know what it means to be someone.

What you do know – is that you say you want to be something – and when you say it – you are exactly that – a person who is wanting to be X Y Z.

Take it in – your mind – which is based on memory and ideas – has ideas of what it wants – and for itself to PERPETUATE ITSELF, to LIVE FOREVER, to continue the status quo – IT IS GOING TO KEEP THOSE IDEAS.


Unless it’s as trivial as buying a fucking car when you got the cash — your mind is gonna perpetuate itself by keeping you WANTING SOMETHING for as long it can. As long as you don’t just happen to stumble into that thing, by chance.


The more that you want something the more POWERFUL is this process.

The more you want something the more invested you become in the idea of wanting something. Soon – you want it so much that if you had it – your whole identity would be shattered.

This explains why lottery winners go broke so quickly. Their whole identity is founded on being broke and desiring to be rich. The have no idea how to stay rich, and either subconsciously, or consciously too – they will despise their newfound state and do everything in their power to revert.




do you go through life without wanting things?

how do you not want things?

is it even possible to not want things?

does it make any sense?


Life makes no sense. Take it in.

This doesn’t change the fact that you live it.

If you are to make choices – surely they must have some meaning, some sense?

There is sense to that. It’s the profound sense of eating when you’re hungry, sleeping when you’re sleepy and rejoicing when you’re happy. Otherwise meaningless reality of survival. And what is life but survival? Life but continues, throughout all the lifeforms.


You will make choices.

Whether you have an idea of wanting something, or not – when the time comes – you will be facing a choice – and you will make it.

You can’t escape it.

And this is the fundamental difference between the WANT and the CHOICE.

Wanting is merely an idea. In it’s extreme it has nothing to do with what is pertains to – just a self-sustaining illusion of the mind.

The less severe the wanting – the more does it resemble the choice.

Choice is a function of awareness. You are aware of what-is — and make the choice.

Choice is deprived of character. It is free from emotion, free from idealisation – because it pertains to reality.

Wanting is a continuous state of dreaming. You want this you want that… and you wallow in this idea, which is really only perpetuation of the self, perpetuation of the you.

Choice is instantaneous. It is immediate. Even when it relies on the memory, on the part — this memory is revived now – it is revived in the wake of the PRESENT need – and thus it does pertain to reality – and thus it has to be made, and has to be made instantaneously.

And since it’s made, made once – it does not leave a trace. It is not perpetuated psychologically. It’s ramifications may be recorded in memory – but in it’s nature it is not a mean of perpetuation of the self, the mind. In nature it is simply a fact of WHAT-IS. You make a choice and it’s done. No past no future. The choice is made now, like the reality in which it was made.


The choice can be made hypothetically. It can be made in theory. But it’s ultimate nature stays the same – it is a decision. Made once. It is not a continuous process. When you change your choice – this itself is a new choice. When you make the same choice – this too is a new choice. But when you want something – that is just the same perpetuation of the same mind. Ultimately with no connection with reality whatsoever. And this utter detachment from reality is what allows for it’s infinite continuation. There is nothing any more that could because an evolution of this thought-pattern, of this idea.

WANTING is ultimately just the guarantee that you get more of the same.


To get more of the same,

To get more of the same is to live forever, yes? The self stays forever. It doesn’t change – it now stays forever.

It is also death. It is to be dead forever. Life is change. Life is the NEW. The old is death. It is inanimate, like a stone, it is dead. It is not animate, like the springtime, bursting into life.

This leads us to the ultimate truth of being alive.

WANTING things is actually wanting nothing. You will get none of the things you want so much. That is because when you want something – you are the person that is wanting. To get it – you would have to be a new person (the person that gets it). The more you want it, or the more you are attached to BEING YOU – the LESS are you going to get of anything new.

This stagnation is death. Eternal life is death. To live is to change. To die from moment to moment. And in such state – in such state it is that the entire life will happen to you. It is only then that you will MEET THE NEW. Only when you LET GO OF THE PAST, EACH MOMENT.

And it is then, it is then that you choose. It is then that the MIRACLE OF CHOICE is RIGHT BEFORE YOU. You opened yourself to the whole infinity of LIFE — and now, now you choose.

Will you choose what you want?


You will simply choose.

Choose what you want, yes. But you wouldn’t have known you wanted it. You couldn’t have. What you thought was what you thought you wanted. Now it happened. Only now do you really know – only now can you make the choice!

Good choice.