Lifestyle World

You Don’t Want To Hamper Your Self-Expression ONE BIT

You don’t want to hamper your self expression ONE FUCKING BIT – no matter who the fuck doesn’t like it


It’s better for no one to love your authentic self then it is for everyone to love your inauthentic self.

In case of the latter – you not only don’t really have the love of others – you don’t even have your own love.


You don’t want to change the way you express yourself. You want to change yourself.

You can’t fake what you are. Catering your behavior is utter distraction. To see change you must change. With your self-expression remaining free and unreserved all along the way.


Hampering your self-expression is a certain way to elude your own self.

If you fear others may not accept you — then how can you accept yourself?

Uninhibited self-expression is inextricably linked with self-acceptance.

Without acceptance there is no understanding, and without understanding there is only delusion.

When there is delusion there can be no change.


Begin your transformation with radical self-expression. Convey yourself. Get rejected. Be you. Go your own way and make your own mistakes


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