Philosophy Spirituality

Your Negativity Is The World’s Negativity

Your negativity is the world’s negativity.

World’s negativity is your negativity.

There is no separation – only negativity.


Please, see it, when you are met with the negativity of others, or when you yourself are experiencing problems.

See that your problem is the world’s problem… see that there is the entirety of humanity encountering this problem time and time again…this anger, this suffering, it is not yours, it belongs to the humanity.

And when, in turn, you encounter the vicious negativity of this world, see that it is no different to your own, and now, now you are part of it, now that you recognised it, now that you felt it – you yourself are part of it.


It is then, when you see this wholeness, that perhaps you will realise – you are completely responsible for it.

You, as the part of it, and you, as the WORLD, WORLD which you are experiencing THROUGH YOU, you are THAT NEGATIVITY, and you are RESPONSIBLE for it.

The other person that just brought this misery into your life – it is your misery now – and now there are two of you, and YOU are responsible.

It is completely in your hands now.



what do you do with it?

what do you do with all this negativity?

do you continue it?

do you let it poison you?

or do you refuse it

do you ignore it?

do you fight it?

do you reflect it?

or perhaps you can TRANSMUTE IT?


what do you do with all this negativity

negativity of your life

negativity of the world

REAL world fucking problems

real problems that someone brought to you

real anger or hate or suffering that someone shares with you

real strong emotions that you are experiencing for some reason

what do you do with it?


and now that you know that you are in fact responsible

maybe you will do something about it

and perhaps you’ve not enough wills to change it

and you’ve not enough high spirits to overcome it

but perhaps you may not let it consume you


or perhaps you have wills to solve it

and perhaps you have energy to heal it

perhaps you can SOLVE the very problem which has been brought to you, by life, by the world, by others

and perhaps you can face that negativity and overcome it with your love and compassion and hope and calm

and perhaps you can take on the challenge and overcome it with your wits and resourcefulness and ingenuity

and then

your joy is the world’s joy

and your great results are world’s great results

because there is no separation

and you are responsible