
No Thing Is Exciting In Itself


What makes the thing exciting?

It’s the novelty effect, isn’t it?

Obviously it is.

It’s not exciting because it is exciting. It is exciting because it’s new.


You say that extreme sports are exciting or this or that. It’s not.

It’s the fact that you don’t do those things every single day of your life that makes them exciting.

Extreme sports, of all the things, are probably a little bit exciting, even when you do them all the time. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that you are about to die.

But they still get boring. Boring enough. Everything gets boring. What used to excite you madly when you were young is now a routine. You know what I’m talking about.


It’s the novelty that is exciting.

It’s the UNKNOWN that is exciting.

NO THING is exciting in itself.

It’s your RELATION to that thing, which makes it exciting or not.

If it’s new, if it’s unexplored, if it’s exciting — THEN it is exciting.

Otherwise – it’s just another thing. Boring.



Don’t do the “exciting thing”.

Do the new thing.

Have you not noticed how extremely dull some of the “exciting people” are? Those excitement-seeking “crazy” ones? The most party-crazed people tend to have an extremely boring daily life and narrow interests. And they don’t even look like they are having so much fun in the first place.





THIS is how you live an interesting life.

This is how you are “cool”.

This is how you are exciting.


Forget the stupid “action” you see in the movies. Forget the stupid drama.

Open your mind – plunge into the unknown – do something creative – THIS is how you make life exciting.

This is how you wake up each day energised and THRILLED about new possibilities and forthcoming activities. This is the true meaning of living an exciting life. It’s not an exciting picture on your social media, something which sounds exciting. Exciting life is one in which you wake up every day with a big smile of excitement on your face.