Philosophy World

Should You Have A Clue (About The World)

If you have any business with the world — you should care about the world, should you not?

-like when you do something — you know what you are doing and what you intend

-when you give someone money — you know what you are expecting in return

-when you’re trading value — you know what you’re giving and what you’re receiving

It obviously figures that if you have any business with the world, if you have any DEALINGS with the world — you should have a CLUE about the world


I heard someone say:

“Money won’t solve all your problems but it will solve all your money-problems”

The world won’t solve your problems — but it will solve your WORLD-problems.


If you’re in the cave, or in the forest — which i highly recommend — then FUCK the world.

But if you have any business with the world — you better learn what does the WORLD want.


We confuse it

You say you “don’t care” — you’re so free! No you’re not. You’re FREE when you’re NOT dependent on something.

Most likely you’re dependent on great many things. Most likely you’re dependent on great many things, which I won’t list here to not embarrass you.

Conversely, the many things you are so desperate about — chances are those are existentially irrelevant. Chances are you DON’T need them, as a human being pursuing meaning and fulfilment and elevation.

Know the difference

Know the business you have with the world and know EVERYTHING about that business. Don’t ever half-do anything.

But know the business you DON’T have with the world. Don’t presume to solve the existential problems with worldly solutions.


If you have any business with the world — you should have a clue about the world.

Again we confuse it

I don’t care who the president is

I don’t care what’s fashionable

I don’t care what stupid idiots are interested in

I don’t care about the news (I don’t believe in a business incentivised to pander to basal sentiments of the crowd, their fears and greed and nosiness)

I don’t care where the stupid mob is temporarily swayed

I don’t care about the newest iphone

I don’t care about any of that, but i care about:

The long term trends

How the world truly works

The real technological innovation

The real societal transformations

What truly repeats in history

Humane irrationality, cognitive biases

The very human nature


This is what’s important

See the bigger picture

Understand the mob, the society,

And the individual within it too

Understand the state, and the world

And the citizen within it

Understand the technology, the actual technological and scientific progress which is happening

And the daily implementation of that

This is how you KNOW THE WORLD, the “worldly”

And if you have any business with the world — you should care about the world, should you not?


Again: never mind who the president is and what some idiot is ranting and the latest tech novice,

See the REAL bigger picture, what is really happening, on a larger time-frame

Look at this year and last year and last 10 years and last 30 years and last 100 years

Look at next year and the next 2 years and the next 10 years and the next 30 years and the next 100 years,

This is what’s important

Not what happened yesterday or last week

The real change, the real direction of the world

And chances are it’s relevant to you, if you have any business with the world

Chances are it affects choices you’re going to make in this world: What you’re going to do, where you’re going to invest, where you’re going to spend your time, where you’re going to live…

Look at the past 100 years and the next 100 years,

Look at the real changes occurring in the society, in technology, IN THE WORLD

Chances are you can benefit yourself tremendously by knowing what is going on