Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

The Paradox of Cluelessness and Individuality

You are obliviously born clueless.

I don’t know how, but somehow over time you come to believe that you’re not so clueless; Now you have opinions and what not.

Chances are you are still clueless. Chances are you’ll die clueless.

And the worst part is — you have to make decisions and take actions — DESPITE that cluelessness.


I once wrote:

“you must disagree even when you’re wrong”

Because no one can live your life for you,

And from what I’ve seen — no one knows how to live their lives either

And I wrote million times about our ignorance and cluelessness and NOT KNOWING WHAT WE DON’T KNOW and all the rest of it


It’s a funny paradox,

When having clue MATTERS MOST — i.e. your LIFE and your ACTIONS — you have no fucking clue. And then you must act anyway


You ultimately end up taking too few risks, due to your innate fear of the unknown,

or, really, you end up risking the most — risking wasting your life on mediocrity — for as the saying goes: “the greatest risk is NOT taking risks”

You have no clue therefore you’re paralysed and do nothing,

You’re only confident when you’re ranting about politics, fad diets, conspiracies, ideologies, covid…

Somehow you came to believe you’re not so clueless — even though you were clearly born clueless — and did little to change it

Then again I suppose you don’t really believe that — for when the time comes to put money where your mouth is — you “won’t risk it”


Well, I have a simple solution

Shut the fuck up

Do something (new)



I don’t know what more to say, honestly

…do i have to say anything more…?


and DO something


The paradox of cluelessness and individuality is that to be an INDIVIDUAL — you have to LIVE YOUR LIFE YOURSELF, and MAKE YOUR OWN MISTAKES — even though you’re clueless

I do believe ignorance is a problem, ignorance is evil

Own up your ignorance,


Own up your ignorance, and stop having an OPINION on everything and CONVINCING everyone of everything and trying to look clever and all that; Go to the forest instead,

Go to the forest and start taking care of your OWN LIFE,

and make your own mistakes there


you’re clueless. It’s ok. STFU and no one will even notice,

Then go ahead and LIVE YOUR LIFE, like you’re supposed to. Even though you’re clueless.