Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

The Change, The Reality And The Death

What you call “reality” is modeled on the feedback that you’re receiving.

The feedback that you’re receiving is based on actions which you’re taking. It is based on your activities.

(If you eat rice and broccoli every day – you are going to think that all food tastes like rice and broccoli. And you will not be wrong. It does for you.)

And what are your actions based on?

They are based on what you perceive to be the reality!

Hence it’s a loop.

Or, it would be a loop.

But some things happen outside of our influence.

(The rice and broccoli is gone and you find a can of tuna instead)

The unknown unknowns reach us and give us a new feedback.

Now, we can acknowledge it, or not.

(We may incorporate tuna into our diet or not.)

Or we may be forced to acknowledge it. Forced to adapt.

(There is not enough rice and broccoli and plenty of canned tuna.)


What you call the “reality” includes what you call your “goals”.

Since your reality is the consequence of your own actions — so are your goals — psychologically, and not just causally.

Moreover, the whole edifice, which you call the reality, is not merely a conscious process — it quickly becomes unconscious!

You may think that you want something. But you DON’T. Not in the reality in which you are living.

If you ate broccoli your entire life — and then you saw a chicken on the tv — you may say that you want to try some chicken!!

But the reality is — you only saw the chicken on the tv. And since you’ve been eating broccoli your entire life – surely there’s a reason for that. Perhaps there are no chickens in your reality. Perhaps there are literally no chickens where you live! How do you get yourself a chicken? You can’t! You said you wanted some chicken — but you have no idea how to acquire one.

Now, extrapolate this to something larger. Say you want to solve the perennial problem of having problems in your life. Or perhaps you want to be rich.

You will go about reaching these goals from the perspective of your reality. Because that’s what reality is, yes? You will go about solving your problems by literally trying to solve them. You will never see that the lingering problem of having problems is their recurring emergence in the first place. You will not see it – because from your limited perspective – you take it for granted, as a fact.

Say you want to be rich.Now, how do you get rich? The truth is – you can’t. If you are not getting rich already — you can’t get rich. That’s because you don’t know how. You may have some idea of it, some thoughts about it — and that’s only on the surface. And on a deeper level – you have no idea whatsoever. Your idea of wealth-creation is that of going to the office, or stinting on the last dinner. That’s the kind of stupid stuff that’s going to permeate your thought. And not the actual process of building wealth. Your thoughts, your reality, and consequently, your ACTIONS – are going to reflect nothing else but the MODELS which you have build doing what you did do. And you are not rich. And you have “problems”. And you are only going to get more of it.



You think you want something.

You think you are doing something proactive.

And yet – you neither want it – nor do you get any closer to it.

This happens ALL the time.

This is the real reason why it’s so hard to change. Because change is inconceivable. Change is completely beyond the scope of the mind. The mind is the opposite of change. The mind is build of the changeless memory, and it plans on staying that way.

Unless the new turns up.


The problem is not the inability to reach the goals. It may be the problem to you — but that’s because you think goals are at all important, with all the becoming and self-actualisation. I say – self-actualisation is now, and is not conditioned on any stupid goal.

Anyway, the real problem is inability to change. I.e., the DEATH. The stagnation. The ossification.

Never mind the goals. The goals are not what matters. What matters is BEING ALIVE. What matters is the unimpeded flow of LIFE. What matters is the FREEDOM. What matters is expression.

And the truth is:



CHANGELESS IS BUT THE DEAD MEMORY. (An illusion, by the way).




Forget what you “want”. That is irrelevant anyway. You have no idea what you want, and it is completely immaterial. Everything that you really want is merely a matter of choice, the choice when things are right before you. Every other form of “wanting” is just a perpetuation of memory, a false belief that there is some actualisation which happens in time. All that will only keep you from changing. And it will keep you from the very goals which you think you have. You will be forever “wanting”. This is doubly true with things which you haven’t done yet. When you “want” something which you can get – then it’s a choice. But when you want something which you have no idea how to get – then you want “wanting”.

FORGET yourself too. This is the ultimate illusion.You think there is some continuity. There isn’t. You could forget who you are right now. And then you’d be gone. That’s what awaits you. Self-forgetfulness. It comes in the form of death. Which is simply eradication of the memory.

Self will keep you in the past – because self is the past. Forget the self to invite LIFE.

Finally – FORGET THE REALITY. Reality is a process. It’s a process of exploration of this world. It’s the EXPLORATION which is important – not it’s model (”reality”). Your exploration may be supported by the model. But NEVER let that support substitute the exploration. Most of us seek certainties – so that they can cease exploring – and DIE. Because that’s what death is – the opposite of life – and life is exploration, life is this contact with the new. Don’t ever confuse the model for the world. EXPLORE. And if you must – use the model as part of this exploration. Use it anew, as you meet the new.

This, my friend, is about the only secret of life.