
How Could You Love Yourself If You Don’t Even Know Yourself?

how could you love yourself if you don’t even know yourself?

how could you believe in yourself if you don’t even know yourself?

how could you respect yourself if you don’t even know yourself?

how could you improve yourself if you don’t even know yourself?

how could you help yourself if you don’t even know yourself?


you can’t


you don’t know yourself:

you can love and believe in and respect and improve and help someone else — but NOT you

thus it’s all futile — you know it’s not you

deep within you know — therefore you never cease this violent movement of improvement-seeking and pleasure-seeking and meaning-seeking

only the more you seek the more lost you are

because what you seek is right within — it’s YOU — the real you


because what you seek is right within — it’s YOU — the real you

you want to love yourself — first you must find the real you

you want to believe in yourself — first you must find the real you

you want to respect yourself — first you must find the real you

you want to improve yourself — first you must find the real you

you want to help yourself — first you must find the real you


this is why self-knowledge is so utterly imperative

this is why “being real” is so utterly imperative

this is why eradicating self-delusion, delusion, is so utterly imperative


this is why you should do what you want

this is why you should convey yourself

this is why you should ALWAYS KEEP YOUR WORD

because that at least is real

only reality can save you


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