Philosophy World

Discordant Hierarchies

From a perspective distant enough we’re equal and identical .

From up close we’re all different and unequal

Are we thus equal or unequal?


We’re not objectively equal nor unequal — our equality or inequality depends on the situation.

In one situation you are better suited to make decisions

In other situation I am better suited to speak

In one room you are the authority

In other room I am the boss


We all find each other place in the hierarchy — so that we can function. So that there is an effective chain of command. So that we benefit from each other qualities.


One problem is obviously ignorance and confusion — we’re not always successful at appraising each other.

To appraise someone innately means to discriminate — it’s a good thing. The “bad” meaning of the word “discriminate” is to unfairly discriminate — which is the result of ignorance, of failure of judgement.


But there is second, fascinating problem:



Different hierarchies are conflicted:

You may be the CEO — but you have no clue about the code I’m writing;

I can have the resources you need — but you don’t agree with me;

You may be more popular in our social group — but I am more popular within a group of engineers;

I can be universally gifted — but you are the better craftsman;

What it means is:

You may be the CEO and telling me what my code must do — but I AM the authority on the code I’m writing, I am the authority on HOW it works;

I can be paying you — and you will do what I want you to do for that money — but you don’t agree with me, you are smarter than me, and you don’t respect me — even though you’ll do what I say;

You can be more popular socially and higher in most social hierarchies — but among other engineers I am a rockstar;

I can know a lot of many things and be considered “gifted” and definitely a better bet in most situations — but you are better at what you do than I am — regardless if I’m better at everything else;


What this fundamentally means is that there will be situations in which you are both LOWER IN HIERARCHY and HIGHER IN HIERARCHY,

And it will become confused.

And there will be situations in which you will be in a position of power — yet less qualified than those you make decisions for.

And then there will be the opposite.


It’s funny how in our modern society we criticise inequality — when it’s a natural and desirable state — in which the most qualified person does what he is most qualified to do (and is compensated for his merit adequately — so that he actually wants to do what he’s qualified to do)

The problem is not inequality

Again: the problem is unfair inequality

And even with that there is not much we can do but accept it



The nature of the world is chaos

You are upset about having to bow to your incompetent boss, having to buy gas from some abhorent sheik, having your leader look like…

Did you ancestors not bow to the whims of stupid nature and stupid wild animals?

A chimpanzee may be some far inferior species to you — proud human — and it would still beat you to pulp,

The nature doesn’t care about your “OBJECTIVE VALUE”

Sometimes you’ll find a fitting place in the hierarchy — most often NOT.


And again: often it won’t even be possible — because HIERARCHIES ARE CONFLICTED.

You really can’t resolve many of those problems.

The owner of the means of production HAS to be the one calling the shots — because it’s his capital you’re risking.

And someone HAS TO become the owner of the means of production — because someone had to be rewarded for his merits and innovations.

Perhaps you’re the better fit to be the one calling the fucking shots — but you don’t own the means of production, you have no skin in the game, you’re just some dude — and you’re free to build your own organisation.

Only you’re not — because not everyone can do anything


I want you to understand that a lot of inequality is a good thing.

And the rest of inequality is inevitable.

And you have to find your place in this reality — or be bitter and confused.

And we are NOT EQUAL NOR UNEQUAL — it’s all context dependent.

And those contexts will be conflicted with one another,

And one context can be conflicted with the sub-context…

And you’ll be wise to stop trying to always make sense out of it, and just ask yourself:


And sometimes you’ll want to be the boss — and sometimes you’ll want to be the follower

But as long as it aligns with WHAT YOU WANT — then it’s fine

We’re all bowing to someone, selling ourselves for something,

You truly want to have no boss and bow to no one? BUY yourself an ISLAND,

Or go live in a forest

Otherwise — you are subject to multitude outside forces which affect you and force your hand

And it’s ok

For as long as you KNOW WHAT YOU WANT

For as long as you do your best

You can relax now

Hierarchies only have so much meaning as the function in society they provide

For as long as you KNOW WHAT YOU WANT — you’ll benefit from hierarchies when possible — and be able to RELAX OTHERWISE

It is what it is and nothing more — go on live your life the best you can