Lifestyle Philosophy World

Marketing is Even Worse

Marketing is even worse than you think

Marketing is mass confusion

Marketing is mass brain-washing

Marketing is mass delusion

Marketing is mass hysteria


Marketing only works because you are confused

When you don’t know what you want — marketing tells you what to want

When you can’t decide what is the right choice — marketing decides for you


Marketing works because you are confused

It replaces your confusion with delusion


It replaces your confusion with fucking delusion

We run around intoxicating ourselves with marketing

You market to me and I market to you

We believe our own nonsense

You believe you need this, I believe I need that

And the monster continues fuelling itself on itself


It’s an obvious impediment in one’s quest for clarity

You are doomed before you even started

Before you grab everything the marketing told you is “valuable” — you will already be rotting in the fucking ground


This is why marketing is even worse than you think

We think it’s benign — we think it’s merely part of business

When in truth it’s such an obvious lie, obvious self-delusion, obvious escapism, obvious distraction

We’re deluding ourselves about deluding ourselves


We’re deluding ourselves about deluding ourselves

You know you don’t NEED this, need that

Information about the product or service should be available, obviously yes… but it’s MARKETING which is obscuring that information, rather than revealing it

The truth about something’s utility is buried under million adds, million sales pitches, million sales funnels, million greasy salesmen and million disgusting scams


We’re deluding ourselves about deluding ourselves

You believe you’re doing something substantial — because MARKETING washed your brain into thinking that

You believe the world needs this and that

The world believes it needs this and that

And we’re all rotting before we even realise what we did to ourselves


If you have any interest in truth — than obviously you must dispense with all the untruth

All the white-lies and exaggerations and hopes

This is the shocking realization: marketing really will brainwash you, separate you from reality, separate you from the truth


Therefore get rid of it

Avoid adds like like the plague

And never ever speak untruth, never ever exaggerate, never ever oversell

Falsehood always corrodes, in the long term: both the perpetrator and the victim