Philosophy Spirituality

Consciousness is Freedom

Freedom is an exercise of choice

To make a choice there must first be choices to be made, there must be options

You perceive choices by being conscious, aware

Therefore freedom is a function of consciousness


We tend to believe that doing “whatever” is an exercise of freedom

“Freedom to do whatever”

But it’s not

Perfunctory doing of “whatever” is the opposite of freedom

It’s a rut, a habit, an inertia

It’s uncritical, uninspired, unchanging, unmoving, DEAD

There’s nothing “free” about it, it’s not free, it’s not light — it is heavy, it is suffocating, it is limiting


True freedom is to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE one’s action


True freedom is to consciously choose one’s action

One’s life

One’s expression

One’s reaction

One’s creation

One’s life


It makes no matter if you’re painting, running a business, planting seeds, doing the laundry, reading a text

What matters is how consciously you made that choice

THAT is the exercise of freedom


It makes no matter if you’re painting paintings, running a business, tending plants in the garden, cleaning houses, reading books all day

What matters is how consciously you made those choice

THAT is the exercise of freedom


Doing “whatever” is merely replacing external compulsion (external force telling you what to do) for internal compulsion (habit, routine, distraction, desire, need)

There’s nothing “free” about it


Let go of false freedom

Let go of pursuing false freedom

The true freedom is within

It’s not what you have — it’s HOW YOU LIVE

True freedom is how you LIVE EVERY DAY

Everything else is a distraction, a false token of freedom

Get rid of it

Be free