
Forgive But Don’t Forget

Forgive but don’t forget


Obviously don’t forget: you don’t want to make the same mistake twice

But do forgive


Why do you forgive?

Because life is short

This day is beautiful

Do you want to spoil this beauty with that petty ugliness?

Do you want to spoil this short, precious life — harbouring that stupid negativity?

There’s no time for any of that

Let go and smile and forgive


Let go and smile and forgive,

yet don’t forget.

Why do we have such a problem with this simple procedure?

We are petty and emotional, are we not?


We are petty and emotional

Our emotions and prides blind us and deceive us

You forget because you don’t want to remember

You don’t forgive because you crave satisfaction

You forget because you don’t want to remember the truth, you don’t want the truth

You don’t forgive because you crave satisfaction, for your petty ego, your insecure and small self


But if you can only see beyond the weak and greedy and territorial ego, and the torment of negative emotions and all the rest of that fucking nonsense…

once you see beyond that, you see that there is nothing to NOT forgive,

that the perpetrator actually is the victim

and that the only justice ever called for is that of you remembering

Emotionlessly, coolly, seeing it for what it is, seeing him for what he is, seeing her for what she is

not without a degree of compassion

but with ruthlessness of truth

If you can see that, see beyond

then you are free