Philosophy World

Doesn’t Create Value

trading doesn’t create value

marketing doesn’t create value

selling doesn’t create value

swindling doesn’t create value


none of the above create value

those activities just move value from one place to another


this is evident and incontrovertible

so why do you do this?


you do this because you are confused

you chase money instead of value

you chase recognition instead of value

you chase trends instead of value


we all suffer for it

fools run around moving value from one place to another

everyone’s searching for a new angle to get some value here take some value there

nothing productive is ever accomplished


but fuck material

the greatest tragedy is that of resulting spiritual destitution

the exact same confusion is repeated in every aspect of one’s life

we trade here, trade there, sell here, buy there, hype this, hype that, cheat here, get cheated there…

no value is ever created from this movement of confusion

pleasure, entertainment, distraction, validation, illusion, delusion

but no joy,

no satisfaction,

no purpose,

no love


create value*


and don’t waste a minute on anything less


*or facilitate creation of value