Philosophy Spirituality

To Change Is To Be A Traitor

To change is to be a traitor

To change is to betray


To change is to abandon the former and embrace the new

To change is thus to betray the former


The word betrayal implies the negative

But what negative? Whose negative? What’s negative?

The traitor? The betrayed?

The idea? The ideology?

The legacy?

We use the word betray and the word traitor and the word betrayed — and imply negative for each one of them:

-the betrayed suffers (= implied negative) in having been betrayed

-the traitor suffers in becoming the betrayer (= implied negative)

-and finally: the act of betrayal is implied to be innately negative, wrong


But is it wrong?

How do you change something without betraying the previous thing?

How do you change yourself without betraying the past you?

How do you change your mind without betraying your previous beliefs?


The previous thing, the past you, your previous beliefs — all suffer a betrayal.

“Suffer” is NOT an overstatement,

The previous thing dies

The past you die

Your previous beliefs die

You betray them and you murder them


But is it wrong?

How do you improve without betraying the un-improved you?

How do you get a better job without betraying your previous workplace?

How do you move in to a new place without betraying your previous home?

How do you make more money without betraying your broke previous self and his broke (previous) friends?

How do you become productive without betraying the weed-smoking couch-lingering tv-binging you?

How do you become happy without betraying the depressed-you, the despondent-you, the complaining-you, and your depressed, despondent, complaining friends and family and loved ones?

How do you become more peaceful and free without betraying the ambitious you, and your ambitious friends and colleagues?

How do you become more loving without betraying your own superiority, ego, pride, hostility, sense of moral high-ground and justice?


You say you want to change

But do you want to betray so much of what you’ve known, of what you call “you”, and “yours”?

This is no overstatement

You will have to betray you — and those around you

Both will be painful

So painful so as to elude your consciousness

You will feel an invisible force pulling you away from your desired change

Thousands invisible strings pulling you back

The secret reasons why you shouldn’t change, can’t change

All the small and large betrayals that changing would entail


Please become aware just how drastically different a different you would be

You picture a single “positive” aspect of a change — not realizing just how many externalities are involved, how many extra changes

To change is to literally DIE

This is how it should feel like


So how do you change?


-become a traitor

-and give up all your attachments

-and become aware of EVERYTHING your desired change entails


and if you’re not willing to accept it — then don’t change


And can I not “small-step” my way there?

Yes, no

If small-stepping will facilitate your betrayal, will make is easier for you — then you’ll slowly transform yourself

But if you get one leg into the NEW REALITY while remaining in the previous one with your other leg — you will be TORN APART

Best become a traitor already — then ease your way into the transition

Become a traitor by giving up all your little ATTACHMENTS AND CONDITIONED IDENTITIES

That shit can only hold you back