Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

When You’ve to Give — Give

Always be good to everyone, be default, and unconditionally

The only exception is to be good to yourself first


When you’ve to give — give

When you’ve NOT to give — don’t give

When you can discriminate — discriminate. Put your gifts in the right hands. Don’t throw your gifts away to be wasted

When you can’t discriminate — don’t. Just give. Don’t think twice.

But when you’ve nothing to give — don’t give


This is not “philosophical” what I’m saying. It’s the simple economic reality.

You can only give what you have. If you have nothing — then you have nothing to give.

And if you run out of resources to sustain you — then you run out of resources period. You run out of resources to grant others, you run out of resources to utilize yourself. Others get nothing and you get nothing too, and fucking die


When others don’t offer you anything in return — then they are the first cut out from your resources: your love resources, your time resources, your opportunity resources, your material resources

You don’t cut them out out of spite. You cut them out out of necessity. Remember: you want to benefit them, AND you.

And you want to put your resources in the best place possible too. You want your gifts to be appreciated. You want your seeds to sprout. You want your investment to yield returns. You understated that resources are precious — and must be utilized intelligently and productively.


…but when you can’t make that discrimination — then you just GIVE.

When there is tremendous love overflowing you — you give. To everyone you meet

When there is tremendous JOY filling your heart and soul — you SHARE that joy. You have MORE then you could EVER use yourself. You ALREADY have all the joy. And whatever joy you give — it only enhances your joy, really.

When you’ve more resources then you can eat up — you GIVE. You BUILD MORE things. You put those resources to work. Ironically it only grants you more resources. And it’s GREAT! The more resources you can control the more good you can do with those resources.


Is it not unfair however to give to those that “don’t deserve it”?

It’s “unfair” to give to those that deserve it less (than someone else). In truth — it’s evil. Because it’s a waste of resources.

Waste of your love, waste of your time, waste of your energy, waste of your attention, waste of your capital.

However — when you’re OVERFLOWING with resources — it really doesn’t matter where you give.

Give to your friend and to your enemy. Give to everyone. For as long as it won’t be the cause of more harm then good — give to everyone. For as long as you have something to give — give.

The more you give the more you receive. It really is inevitable. When you’re much to give — just give

When you’ve all that love overflowing you — you will give it to your enemy. You wouldn’t like to NOT give it. The more you give the more you receive

It’s only when your resources are limited — then you want to be more discriminating

And this act of discrimination is the true “justice” — inexorable, natural, innate


And this act of discrimination is the TRUE JUSTICE.

Justice is not what the judge says or the revenge you get on someone or any of such…

Justice is what you reap

And you reap what you sow

And when you’re useless to the world then the world will be useless to you

And if you’ve no love to give then you will never truly be loved

And there is absolutely no point in meting out any other “justice” yourself,

The only justice you mete out is that of being DISCRIMINATING with those resources of yours which are limited.

Those that don’t deserve them — don’t get them. This is justice. And nothing more is needed


…but otherwise, you GIVE

Otherwise, you give

When you’ve to give — give

When you’ve NOT to give — don’t give

When you can discriminate — discriminate.

When you can’t discriminate — don’t. Just give. Don’t think twice.

But when you’ve nothing to give — don’t give

But when you’ve to give — give

Don’t overthink it — just give