Philosophy Spirituality World

Confidence, Delusion, Reality

There is confidence

There is delusion

There is ignorance

There is insecurity and doubt

There is insight


There is true confidence, which is true

There is false confidence, which is delusion

When there is insight — there is also confidence, true confidence



Confidence is everything from the tiny situational confidence, to the sweeping “core confidence”, all the way to the transcendental, all-encompassing spiritual confidence, spiritual certainty, spiritual insight


Situational confidence is confidence in a specific context

It’s the chess player’s confidence on the chessboard and the pianist’s confidence on the piano

“Core confidence” is confidence which is general and universal — it’s one’s trust in theirs ability to deal with WHATEVER is thrown at them.

Situational confidence is attained by mastering the situation.

Universal confidence is attained by mastering life. Mastering the unknown. Mastering oneself.

The more varied problems you’ve solved the more universally confident you become, the more confident at the CORE you become



One can be delusionally confident

One can be delusionally insecure


Delusional confidence is result of falsified feedback

Gifts of fortune are poisoned because they falsify your perception of reality.

One who knew nothing but luck and privilege in life is separated from reality. We call such people immature, or entitled, or delusional, or ignorant, or stupid.


Delusional insecurity is result of falsified feedback

Delusional insecurity is result of INCOMPLETE PERCEPTION

Most of us are broken

Some of the first things that we learn in life stay with us for the rest of our existence. Some of our wounds we carry till our deathbed.

So it is with insecurity.

All our failures, all the love we failed to receive, all the confusion, it shapes us in a particular way — and then we spend the rest of our lives failing to rectify that legacy


All insecurity is ultimately existential insecurity

All our misgivings and apprehensions derive their importance from the fact that WE ARE GOING TO DIE

The ever-present dread of death results in every other fear and limitation and inhibition

The ultimate insight is that of futility of avoiding death

The ultimate insight is that of realization that what you believe yourself to be is an illusion, an ego, a fleeting memory

This results in ultimate confidence, and ultimate dissolution of existential insecurity


We all carry existential insecurity

We all carry delusional insecurity about ourselves

We all carry delusional confidence in some regards (Dunning Kruger effect)

The rarest man will dissolve all 3 delusions

It would be good to at least dissolve 2 of them

To die fearing death, but having loved life, and made the most out of it


You can heal your wounds by becoming aware of them

And by loving

Always love more

Accept more

Care more

Love more

This is the cure for the deepest delusional insecurity, for your wounds buried in the subconscious

Loving, mind you, would ultimately destroy even your ego

Love more


The rest of the nonsense you solve by eradicating nonsense

There are BIASES innate to all man. Our animalistic legacy.

And then there’s all the acquired delusion — all the nonsense you believed — resulting either from the great fortune you had, or bad fortune.

You cure both afflictions by REAL WORLD ACTION

You probably never become entirely unbiased, and you never get all the answers,

But that which you tested — you find for certain

Truly tested, mind you. You should only care about that which you can control — and the fact of controlling is, is by definition the fact of you knowing it, understanding it (if you control it then you know how it works, know the outcomes, know what matters)

Basically: by actually doing things, REPEATEDLY, failing and succeeding, REPEATEDLY — you unravel the truth of the matter

Everything else that you saw and heard is, more or less, nonsense

Focus on what you can control — that is what you CAN know — and that is what MATTERS

The rest shall belong in the ocean of the unknown.

And to know what you NOT KNOW is the highest wisdom.


I believe this framework describes all humans and their epistemic and spiritual shortcomings.

Try understanding those you meet by asking yourself:

-is their perspective on the subject objective?

-how did they arrive at that perspective?

-what is their universal level of confidence or insecurity?

-are they the real world doers? are their practitioners? do they have skin in the game? are they talkers or doers?

-are they delusionally confident? how was their confidence attained? is it the result of repeated and numerous successes and failures?

-are they delusionally insecure? are they wounded? is there pain in their eyes?

-are they humble? are they sincere? are they cocky? are they loud? are they confident or humble or unsure or what?


ultimately it will all boil down to:

-childhood: fortune and misfortune

-current life situation and if it’s the result of good fortune, bad fortune, or neutral

-true confidence expressed unmistakably in truly confident demeanour (not cocky, not quarrelsome, not falsely humble, not timid, not stubborn, not tense, but grounded, controlled, calm)

-true wisdom or lack thereof, and how it’s supported by one’s life experiences and individual reflections (not memetic)

-proactiveness in life in general and in the specific situation

-and how it reveals in one’s perceived energy


Finally, take a look at yourself,

Take a loot at others and take a look at yourself,

Know others to know yourself and know yourself to know the world

Once you understood others you will perhaps be able to understand yourself, with that framework

The more you unravel the less delusional you are

The more you understand others the more you understand that you are not so different, not so special

The more you understand that you are not so special — the more accepting you become, the more forgiving — and thus more loving

And the more you observe the root of all evil — the ignorance — and where it’s coming from — the more you’re called to the truth, and called to action — which reveals this truth.

It’s a beautiful journey