Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Bad Luck is Great

Bad luck is great

It’s always nice to get lucky — but what came for free is what you didn’t learn to earn

What you can get IN SPITE of bad luck — is what truly leaves a mark


TREMENDOUSLY lot in life depends on luck

If you disagree than you’re a fool and can stop reading now

All your outcomes will be greatly influenced by chance

Some of your outcomes will be entirely owed to good fortune

Some of your outcomes will be entirely owed to bad fortune

Most will fall somewhere in between


When you had bad luck but not bad enough to kill you — the rest is up to you: your efforts, your judgment, your skills

This is when you learn

This is when you face reality, for once

In those few efforts that are entirely in your hands

Luck takes away those efforts by rewarding you for nothing

What you got you attribute to whatever intrinsic quality of you and your “hard work” — but the truth is that when you have gotten lucky — you just CAN’T KNOW how much of your success is due to that luck

Thus luck separates you from reality, from truth


If your END is more important to you then your personal journey, than your growth, than your wisdom, than reality — then you’d rather get lucky

Me, however, I LIKE getting unlucky*

I know that what I’m to learn in my struggle is of true value — unlike the feeble offerings of the whimsical lady fortune


*mind you the “unlucky mentality” — in which you literally create your “unluck” — is the worst mindset one can have. I like GETTING UNLUCKY — but I view myself as LUCKY. I refuse to ever view myself as unlucky. I only get unlucky — and that’s lucky too (for that’s when I truly am challenged, that’s when i LEARN)


And there’s TOO MUCH you CAN control, in truth

Matters of TRUE gravity — which are your efforts — you can control 100%

Matters of TRUE gravity — whether you kept your word, how accountable you held yourself — you can control 100%

What you do EVERY DAY — you can control 100% — and THAT is what MATTERS.


Bad luck FORCES you to confront what truly matters

You can’t beguile yourself with your great fortune — you must face reality

You can’t outsource your sense of self-worth to luck — you have to earn it

This is how you become mature as an individual

To be forced to earn something is truly a GIFT


And if you’re so unlucky so as to be the LOWEST OF MAN — this is GREAT!


Now you are forced to face the truth of being NOTHING AND NO ONE

If you can only survive that — you will be the sage among sages


Let bad fortune humble you

Let bad fortune burn away your delusions

Let bad fortune crush your ego

Let bad fortune force you to meet reality

I love bad fortune

The only way is way UP

I love bad fortune to force me to adapt, to challenge me

This is how i ELEVATE